Hadith #1: The Gravity Of Injustice

Sh. Omar Suleiman and Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research presents "40 Hadiths on Social Justice" #40onJUSTICE in partnership with Valley Ranch Islamic Center in Irving, Texas.

Series Description:
When Malcolm X returned from Hajj, he famously stated that he believed that Islam had the cure to racism in America and the world. Islam is a religion of justice that addresses so many of the underlying currents in a society that allow for transgressions to go unchecked. Those transgressions affect human beings, animals, and the environment around us.

As activists and humanitarians seek to right those wrongs, this series provides a manual for how to deal with issues of social injustice starting from the home, and extending to the farthest horizons of the world that God entrusted to us. It offers a framework for how to enact social change based upon the Prophetic tradition.

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, Videos
  Topics: Hadith And Sunnah  Values: Justice  Channel: 40 Hadiths On Social Justice
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