A Forgotten Covenant

"This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.
No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries.
No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims' houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God's covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.
No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray.
Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world)."*
Such were the memorable words of Prophet Muhammad in the year 628 CE, when he granted this historic document, also known as the Charter of Privileges, to the monks of St. Catherine Monastery in Mt. Sinai. It consisted of several clauses covering all aspects of human rights including such topics as the protection of Christians living under Islamic rule, freedom of worship and movement, freedom to appoint their own judges and to own and maintain their property, exemption from military service, and the right to protection in war.
In the spirit of this and numerous other authoritative Islamic texts, one wonders why contemporary policy makers in the West insist on supporting the secular, corrupt, and authoritarian regimes of the predominantly Muslim nations. What is the wisdom of allocating billions of dollars to overthrow, through well-crafted public and covert operations, the popularly and legitimately elected Muslim governments? Have the West's 'experts' on the Middle East, the Orientalists and the national security advisers hijacked Western political institutions as the latter hijacked the legitimate government of, for example, Iran's democratic Mosadeq regime, or the Algerian peaceful election that guaranteed Muslim control, and many more cases? Should the predominantly Christian West fear and fight genuine Islamic regimes or should it change its outlook by trusting those who uphold God's Words and Muhammad's commands above secular and cultural values?
*The English translated text of the Charter of Privileges was extracted from the Book 'Muslim History: 570 - 1950 C.E.' by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq, ZMD Corporation. P.O. Box 8231 - Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8231 - Copyright Akram Zahoor 2000. P. 167.
Topics: Christians, Interfaith, Prophet Muhammad (S) Values: Peace, Tolerance
Related Suggestions
*The English translated text of the Charter of Privileges was extracted from the Book 'Muslim History: 570 - 1950 C.E.' by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq, ZMD Corporation. P.O. Box 8231 - Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8231 - Copyright Akram Zahoor 2000. P. 167.
I Agree with one comment posted. We have to know where this has originated from in order for us to know whether its True or false. So please Islamicity please provide some proof as to what is posted.
What you should be asking is 'why muslims do not respect this so called Charter of Privileges'. The answer is obvious - muslims cannot comply with this 'covenant' with Christiandom without violating the Qur'an. Let's be honest here. You all know very well that Christians living in muslim countries are not being treated fairly. They cannot even carry a Bible outside their homes without being harrassed by muslims. They are also required to pay the jizya tax. In Saudi Arabia, non-muslims are being paid less of what their muslim counterparts get for doing the same job. In other countries, like the Philippines, the muslim minority wants the Christian majority to observe islamic holidays & follow the sharia law. And what about islamic terrorism? While majority of muslims are not engaged in terror activites, they do however give either financial or 'moral' support to terrorist groups like al-qaida & jemmah islamiya. So long as Islamists are irrationally hostile to the People of the Book, the West has every right to be wary of these 'genuine' islamic regimes.
However, the portion of the prophet's statement which permits Christian women married to Muslims to cntinue to attend Churches is of concern to me. I stend to be corrected but I think it falls short of some verses in the glorious Qur'an which I cannot specifically quote now.
Islamicity is such a good place to learn and to help me to reinforce my beliefs in Islam. I reverted only 2 years ago, and it has been very hard for me sometimes to distinguish the truth from rumors, conjecture and pure fiction!!!!!
I wonder why you named it the forgotten covenant? what did my brothers do?or do you misunderstand them?
salaa alaikum.
compassion of the writer of the opening
paragraphs (the Prophet Muhammad)
illuminates every word. If only ALL faiths could
write like this and feel like this and act like this
about each other. Someday, soon.
>"....If a female Christian is married to a >Muslim, it is not to take place without her >approval...."
this santence make me really unconfident on this article because Al-Quran didn't mention that we as muslim can marry to non-muslim(christian).I hoping that Islamicty can provide us more details on this.
Accordding to Sura Maidah (5:5)... Its mention that we can married to a women from al-Kitab (in english = people of book) then our editor responsed its mean nowdays Christian and Jewish.
From my view, we cant take al-Kitab(people of book) same as christian and jewish) WHY?
1. In Al-Quran, when Allah mention about christian and Jewish, He used Nasorooni and Yehuudi.. not Al Kitab.(Why?... because Almighty want us to think about the differentship between alkitab,christian and jewish)
2. meaning Al Kitab is more accurate to people who r believed in One God and has been given a book(al kitab) to them before Al Quran.The books are Taurah/Zaboor/Injil and all this books are authentic and not been modified or changed by human. Its not same as what Christian and Jewish believed today.So Alkitab is not Christian/Jewish
3. From Syaria Law clearly said as Muslim man can't married with any women from non-believer.(Chistian/Jews are non-believer because they not believe on "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger" )
Maybe the translation style on this article is not so accurate to the original meaning. That why I really hoping that Islamicity can provide us the original of Charter of Privileges in Arabic and the details on it. To ensure we are not misunderstood on which is Haram or Halal.
I supported this article strongly because judgement is not for any human being. As it was said, "Semi Allahu liman hamdau". Only God knows who worship him, whether being a Xtian or Muslim.
Belonging to either of the religion does not make one righteous. We are all from one seed, Adam (Alehi salat wasalam).
I think that perhaps all "establishments" of monotheistic Christianity had been basically wiped out, by the Romans, by about the 8th century (CE). As I recall, the sect of Aryan Christianity, which I think had refused to accept the doctrine of Trinity (etc.), were among those wiped out by the Romans.
It was the first Christian pontiff - the Emperor of Rome was the Pontiff - Constantine I (may Allah forgive him), was the one who declared (among other things) that December 25 was to be a holy day throughout Christendom. Interestedly enough, this same person waited until near his death to become baptized. He was then baptized by an official of the Aryan church - perhaps hoping to get his slate wiped clean - after having overseen the introduction of polytheism (into the official religion of all Romans).
Please do not be tricked, by polytheism, into refusing to follow the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) - such as, for example, refusing to follow him into Paradise. I sincerely apologize for any offense I have may caused - as well as for errors in my comments.
Assalamu alaikum.
im no expert, but i think islam is the best because it lays aside any idol worship and keeps homosexuals from preaching from the pulpit like america now thinks they must allow with seperation of church and state, if we are living by Allahs rules ,why seperate the two? Allah hafiz
i respectavily know that my opionion may not be shared by all but i use Quran for my quide, thank you
ment about marrying a Christian woman is that he was refering to the Christian of his days or the Christian that belief in one God.
Today, there are more than seventy Christian sects with some that are anti Islam.
Please provide more information concerning the below book...
The English translated text of the Charter of Privileges was extracted from the Book 'Muslim History: 570 - 1950 C.E.' by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq
As Salaam Alaikum wa rahmattullah wa barakatu
muslims themselves think the shariah provision are not meant for todays world and that islamic khilafah is outdated and western style democracy is more suited today.
when followers of faith of islam themselves have such prejudice about thier own system of governance, it will be unjust to blame others who might have contempt of islamic state and which is not baseless having seen the examples of taliban or mad mullahs of nigeria issuing death sentence for fornication when it is for adultery.
We should respect Jews & Christians & all religions as our Prophet (SAW) did & foremost Allah in the Qur'an instructs us to be respectful to all (neighbours).
If we only knew what the real old testament says we would see the similarities with the Qur'an & what Allah wants all humanity to do throughout time which hasn't changed.
The first requirement of Islam would appear to be to regard Allah, the Creator, the One True God, the God who is but one and the one who alone is good as being above all that was created. This would mean that the Creator (who is beyond comparison) is above even the Creator's foremost servants (which would be the point I am trying to make here - as Allah wills). As I recall, no less than one of the Ten Commandments seems to specifically address this very issue. Please note that whoever desires a religion other than the religion of the Creator's prophets (may peace be upon them) shall be among the losers in the hereafter (Quran 3:85).
Wa'alaikum salam ("And upon you be peace").
The English translation, by M. H. Shakir, appears - at least to me - to be clearly addressing Muslims. Obviously some verses of the Quran are clearly addressing non-Muslims ("Say not Trinity - desist!").
The sorts of marriages that are described in Quran 5:5 would appear to require the gifting of dowries - in order to be lawful. If that is correct - and the verse is indeed addressing Muslims - then the verse (in itself) would, therefore, not seem to make any particular case for lawful marriages of Muslim women to "yet to be reverted" men.
It was previously my understanding that the religion of the mother - and not that of the father - was what determined the religion of the children. That is why I previously assumed so many Muslim men refused to consider possible marriages to "yet to be reverted" women. So then, why would Muslim men refuse to marry Jewish or Christian women - if their children were supposed to be raised as Muslims?
Assalamu alaikum.
PS. Surely anything is possible if Allah so wills it. Certainly nothing is possible unless Allah wills it so. If I do not offer praise to Allah for the blessings I receive then I would think that I should probably expect those blessings to work on me like curses. May my reward be service to the glory of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala). To that end - if it be Allah's will that I overcome my weaknesses - with what might I eventually be entrusted - so long as it were to benefit someone other than myself?
I agree with brother Masood. The statement "She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray." seems odd as the sharia clearly says that a woman has to accept Islam as her religion before she can marry a muslim and if she has accepted Islam then why would she go to a place which worships a creation (Jesus pbuh) rather then the creator (Allah swt).
Please review this and clarify.
Jazak Allah
judgement day is near.I respect the holy bible as
i respect the holy Quran.We shouhld respect all the religiouns.We are ONE ummah(community).
I have concerns on the statement "She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray."
This implies that the above person is not a Muslim at the time of the marriage. I understand that in Muslim marriages, both bride and bride-groom must be Muslims before the marriage it is valid.
What is the full text of the covenant? Are we reading just bit and pieces of it?
Please check your sources again.
Masood Khadaied
That means a great mosque in Spain should return to Muslims, that mosque turned into a church. This also apply to other mosques around the world, as well.
Islam ruled Spain for 800 peaceful years.Then when christians took over.... .The prophets Covenant these days has been forgotton and mistreated.When muslims were in power it was respected and obeyed.Now that the chritians are in power,Is it being implimented?
In the prophets time the churches weren't burnt down,the christians had complete freedom.
I guess we have to examine ourselves i.e. the Ummah and decide whether or not to uphold the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW).
or even lesser situations for non muslims
Dear brothers.
Im really interested in this article but I'm hoping that Islamicity can provide us the original and more details on Charter of Privileges in Arabic. im really doubtful about an aunthencity of this charter.
PLEASE do deeper research on this because i tried searched in Internet but all articles base on Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq books'. HOPEFULLY we can study more on this matter. Who is Dr. A. Zahoor? What happen after/before this Charter send?
PLS GIVE MORE DETAILS ON THIS MATTER...... (hopefully ALLAH will guide me/us to the truth)
However, although Islam did not change as Christainity did, the muslim people then and Muslim people now are different. I would suggest to join hands together and worship the only true and one god Allah and fellow the commands of prophet Mohamed(ppuh) just like the same way we obeyed the commands of prophet Jesus(ppuh) son of Maryam.
As for whatever might be their individual dreams of an empire - for God (alone) - they might be in for a surprise - God willing (insha'Allah.) First let our government be reverted to the "only one who is good" - then I suggest we each be grateful to God for what patience we receive - and see what God has planned.
Peace be upon you (Assalamu alaikum).
I believe that we should uphold God's Words and Muhammad's (pbuh) commands.And we should not have fear of one another. I believe that the problem lies in lack of knowledge. But I believe that (Muslims and Christians)can have and understanding of each other it just takes an open heart and mind to come together.
chatholic school in Hyderabad,India. I had a different views and visions about Christanity before migrating to Australia.Here the Australian
Parliment preceeding starts with reading of "The
Holy Bible" which i respect as i respect my book
"The Holy Qu,ran.
"The main Difference I found in this country is
dumping their old parents in the Aged houses for decaing from the claimed civilised cultured people
of the world. In India you find people from all
faiths (poor) living under the sky ,begging for food but"COMPLETE FAMILY UNIT" which i greatly
missed in so called "CIVILISED NATIONS"
"I am very thank ful for the producer of this letter to "need of the hour" article.
I apologise to anybody who feels offended by my views.
thank you for sharing my openions...
Can you tell whether it was written in Arabic, Greek or perhaps Latin? Also, had members of one or more of the Christian sects preserved it? I am curious as to whether it had been stored within Catholic, Orthodox and/or Coptic monasteries, the Vatican, et cetera. Jazak Allah khair.
Nevertheless, we ought to stress the fact that some Muslim Nations are corrupted, whereas they are to lead the way for their Muslim Brothers. Such a situation implies a change of mentalities as well as a change whithin heads of state in both parts of the world.
In addition, powerful Western countries are aware of the threat from Muslim Nations : when the Oummah will wake up, they will tremble. And I am sure those Western countries know where the Truth lies.
However, I would need to know whether the People of the book talked about in the Islamic literature are christins of today. If not could it be elucidated in the subsequent articles.
Salaam alaikum.
What I had known is that in order for a male muslim to be married to a christian woman, the christian woman should be converted to a muslim - become a muslimmah and those conversion should takes place after she had been enlightened about islam and she had decided to be a musimah sincerely. So once she became a muslimah, I can not see any reason why she should visit or pray at the church anymore? Unless her faith as a muslimah are not full yet.
Can you please explain those clauses to me - "If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray."
I do not mean to takes things out of context it just that I want to be clear about this matter.
We well know that these are the golden rules of
islam and these arte the ways of our beloved prophet(pbuh). But how much of his ways are know to the world or adapted by the present governments of muslim countries. There is so much confusion about islam in modern muslims and non-muslim. We have not been able to present a true pictire in the present times.
Yes, it is true that the CIA removed Mosaddeq from power. He was Iran's only hope for democracy. The CIA replaced him with a brutal dictator. Talk about liberating -- yeah, liberating countries from peace. And all this for oil!!
We all hear what modern Christians say about the Prophet, using very derogative and hypocritical opinions. They even have the audacity of insinuating that he was a 'terrorist' and a 'pedophile.'
I think Muslim countries should fear Christian countries, instead of the other way around.
Brothers and sisters,
It may be owing to the style of translation, but this
document doesn't sound at all like something the Prophet
(pbuh) would have said; the style's all wrong, and even the
mentality of it seems more like that of a Western/Euro mind
than that of the Prophet. How is its validity confirmed?
Ma salaam,
This 'Charter of Privileges' so poignantly brings out God's command of freedom of worship. For why did God give man the freedom to choose between right and wrong, for the simple reason that on judgment day it is He Who will decide whether the choices we made were right or wrong. That is why he has commanded us to take His message to all mankind and then leave them to decide which path they wish to follow. It is clearly stated in the Quran that there is " No coercion or compulsion in faith". At another place it is said in the Quran to the Prophet that there is no compulsion in faith so do not feel sad if they do not obey or follow you.
My final analysis is that good proper education to the muslim masses is the panacea for all our ills.
or faith of one God (Laillaha Illalah),Jesus as a messenger, believing "Muhammad" PUH last messenger of Allah. Being Christen wife (not spouse word; means not a Christen husband), she got to believe it and goes to church and her offspring (children) will stay as Muslim can't be converted to Judaism or Christen. Quran is the Final Devine book for the religion.Does any one have objection,Please acknowledge.
Mohamed Said
I appreciate very much your article on this interesting subject. I discovered through your article the "Charter of Privileges" that I never heard of before. I always respected Christians though I have not read this charter. Unfortunately the vast majority of muslim do not follow them. The last part of your article assumes muslims do respect Christians and their faith But it is only in the books. Most muslims think they do not have to. I would very much like to see more emphasis in teaching muslims to put the right things INTO PRACTICE, not only read them and say them.
Thank you!
Alhamdulillah.This is a very timely reminder to all muslims on their duty to other non-muslims and an assuarance to our christian brothers.
jaza kumullah.
The phrase Light upon light may indicate the rvelation of the light of the Holy Quran, upon the ady illuminated Heart of the Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wa sallam.
It is ironic and sad that Muslims have thrown behind their backs and neglect the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. The Churches and missionary Hospitals being bombed and torched in Pakistan and the recent murder of a Christian Priest in his house. The fact that Christians and Jews are not allowed to carry out their acts of worship in Saudi Arabia and some other Middle-Eastern countries and the most appalling attrocities committed by so-called Muslims against other Muslims in Pakistan, Algeria and other countires, all in the Name of the Prophet of Peace and in the name of Islam.
May Allah grant that the Muslims of today could embrace original teachings of the Holy Quran as mentioned in verses 39 and 40 of Hajj and as given by the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wa sallam) in the form of this charter and the Mesaqe Madina. Ammen.
in arabic i mean
thanks again and i apologize for my poor contribution assalaamou alaykoum
I am acting president of JAM (Jews, Muslims, christians and All). An organization woking towards the peacefull and harmonious coexistence of All Believers.
I am not sure what purpose you would like served by your various articles. The recurring theme is a peeve against West. This does not help at all at all. Praising the Quran or the prophet or other Islamic things is only making us arrogant that we have a good thing and we ar becoming very complacent about it. Where is the practice? It is better to not to go into too many details but practice the simplest of concepts.
It is not West or whomever else we choose to blame, we must realize that it is us and us only who are responsible for our problems. Every individual is responsible for himself herself. We have lost the sensitivity towards other human beings. Do not tell me that people who perform haj, pray five times a day and pay their Zakat dues are OK. There is more to it. First and foremost thing is Justice, justice above all. Look at all Islamic countries and its populace and there are perhaps less than 5% who may care for their people. They go marrily to pray or perform haj, while destitute people are being cared for by Christian missionaries. No Western power is stopping us uniting to do good and care for our people. I do not think you believe in Allah. If you did you would not blame others. It is Allah's punishment for what we do as Munafiq supreme that this indignity is brought upon us.
Let us open our eyes and put our shoulder to the yoke. Only constant hard work and belief in Allah will bring us dignity, power and respect. What is this crying all the time like a little baby at some one else's altar? Have faith in yourself and faith in Allah and see what happens. Jaul Haqa wa zahaqul batila, innal batila kan a zahooqa. For the batil to go away Haq must first come. Where is the Haq in your society? If it does not reside in our bosom where will it come from. Let us strengthen the forces of good. Let us help and respect each other and others. We have nothing to fear from Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists. We have to fear our own weaknes