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Love the Prophet? Follow Him.

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Category: Featured, Life & Society Values: Excellence, Love, Spirituality Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:5125} {customField:ic-view-count}19678

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Love is a beautiful emotion. It encompasses all the most beautiful things in the world. Every relation and connection gets stronger and more durable when there is an element of affiliation and love added to it. Beginning from our first love as a child for our mother to choosing someone to spend our whole life with, love is what makes life worth living. And, like all precious things in the world, this priceless treasure demands guarantees to keep it flourishing.

When you love someone, they are always on your mind and become the driving force of your direction in life. You love to follow them, obey them, do whatever you can to please them and try your best to avoid whatever displeases them. You share with them your problems and consult them for their best advice. Their name soothes you and their company is the most precious time of your day. Never do their messages and mails go unread or ignored. The world sees you change when this beautiful feeling overpowers you, whether this love be for a human, a mission, a career or simply a car or a gadget. Love changes your priorities and the color of this feeling is evident on your face and in your feelings, words, and actions.

We all love the Prophet Muhammad , the personality whose greatness is acknowledged by Muslim and non-Muslim thinkers and scholars-a warm friend and a guide for his companions, a devoted and loving husband to his wives, a shady tree for his daughters, a leader of the Ummah (community), an exemplary politician and a reformist who transformed the most uncultured Bedouin into the most disciplined force of people known to history.

His message, which begins with the oneness of Allah , gives answers for all the problems we face today. But how many of us have actually explored the message he brought? Do we really know the message? The Qur'anic code of life sent to us though our beloved Messenger of Allah still remains untouched, only to be 'recited' when we are in trouble or a calamity afflicts us, or it becomes a part of the deluxe package that goes with the bride. How many of us consult his way in our practical lives whether it's a matter of celebration or woe?

We never see the Prophet telling a lie, deceiving a human or even an animal, breaking a pact or a promise. He forgives and prays for the humiliating tribal chiefs of Taif and the people who throw stones at him. He rejects social inequality and all sorts of racial supremacy and lays down in his final sermon, the basic charter of human rights,

An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

"An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."

He sets best examples of justice and warns that the previous nations were destroyed because they only punished their weak and poor for crimes. He teaches us to be on our best behavior and to have 'akhlaaq' (manners) with our neighbors (Muslim or Non-Muslims) so much so that he once thought that they might get a share in inheritance (because of the stress Allah has put on their rights). He cries for Allah's forgiveness for us and stresses us to remain united and not be divided due to language, castes or sects.

Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Non- Muslim minorities are at peace under his rule. Justice is served irrespective of faith, status or personal affiliation. He lifts the status of a woman from the one who was buried alive at birth to a guarantee to get best rewards, may it be through serving and obeying one's mother, taking care of a wife or raising a daughter with love. He brings a message that puts rewards in charity and spending from what we love most, giving an orphan a home and helping a widow to survive.

No one has the right to question anybody's sincerity of 'love for the Prophet ' but we all need some serious self-evaluation. When we claim to be his followers, it automatically makes us his ambassadors and representatives in whatever roles and responsibilities we take. Do we consult the Prophet in different matters of our lives?

Let's follow the Prophet to prove that we love him. Let's celebrate him every day. Let's light up our hearts with the beacon of this message like we light up the streets on his birthday. Let's engrave those beautiful stories of his life, which we memorize and narrate, on our actions. Let's check if our deeds are compatible with our claims of love towards him. In following him, lies the secret of Allah's love, mercy and forgiveness for us.

''Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me,
[so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (Al-Qur'an 3:31)

Source: SuhaibWebb.com - Aisha Aijzaz

  Category: Featured, Life & Society  Values: Excellence, Love, Spirituality
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Older Comments:
Verily "who evr fear Allah(SWT)Allh would mke 4 him a way out "so fear Allah where ever nd what ever circimstance nd prepared ur sefl with doing what is rigth so as to reflect ur claim of love upon the npoble creature (MUHAMMAD SAW)By immitatig his actions and making reference with saying in the endeavour of life .
islam is my choice
ameen nigeria

Mashallah! May Allah reward your for this beautiful writing!

The Prophet (S.A.W) has all the natural qualities adorable that are examplary A-Z.Beginning with A as the ability B for bravery C for his natural calmnesss and D for defendability Examplary which was introduced at the beginning with his natural fairness which was genuinely sincere not fake.Everyone knew him as honest for his honesty always using his Initiative at the same time using good judgement as a just ruler before deciding on any matter.The Question of knowledge no body can come near him although he was Ummiyy at the same time liberal,Modest with Nobility part of his natural qualities.Think how Organised he was with the best Personality that was hard to find any where as leader combining all qualities the natural quality which he possessed taking it responsibly as a Responsible Person.All these need Sacrifice and no one could or even can sacrifice better than him we can go on and on Masha Allah Allahu Akbar.Together with his companions he made it a team work with thorough understanding he used to undertake all works,and natural versitility are not at all exagerated.Think of his wisdom xraying all things carefully with vigour like the natural youth in addition to the zeal that could not be matched.Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadun Wa Barik Wasallim

On the face of it, this article is wonderful.
It is true that Muslims should highly respect, revere and follow the prophet MUHAMMAD (saws).
The prophet will be loved as one gets to know about him.
But how can one not even mention once the love for Allah (the way to acquiring forgiveness) and only justifies the love for the prophet (saws) from 3:31.
Read Sura Al-E-Imran upto verse 31, Insha-Allah the men of understanding will realise.
Transgressing limits is no option.
The prophet (saws) asked Muslims not to praise him like the Christians have done for Isa (as), son of Mary.
The praise for the prophet(saws) is obvious; Allah has named him "MUHAMMAD" (saws).
Transgressing limits is no option.
The writer might not have intended ill.
But such deceptive techniques to use emotions to mislead human beings to doom find common place in many of the discussions of Muslims this day.
Muslims nowaday seem to love the prophet so much so that they have forgotten to love ALLAH.
I have seen people crying for the sake of the prophet (saws); so engrossed in emotions that they made themselves tools in the hands of Satan. Emotions often mislead.
My humble request "Stick to the basics", Satan is an avowed enemy.
Let me tell you about the reaction of a Muslim, whenever a Muslim encounters DOUBT he/she ABSTAINS.
May Allah guide us through the path of the Mustaqims.
I do not intend to hurt anyone but to remind Muslims of Surah 82:1-19.

Jazhakahllah Khaeran for the beautiful write up. It makes and interesting and impactful reading. Masha-Allah

Nabi Muhammad(saw), the upright,straightforward, honest, last messenger to the entire humanity for all times. Perfect example for mankind and model for all believing muslims. We should love him more than we love our self.

Alhamdulillah for this short and nice article. May ALLAH put us the love of the prophet MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) AMEEN