Special: HAJJ - A Lifetime Experience
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Older Comments:
As Salaamu Alaykum, Ma Sha Allah. Allahu Akhbar. seeing this video reminded me of my Hajj in 2000. The tears just rolled down my face as I looked at the millions of my brothers and sisters performing the rites of Hajj. It only increased my desire to return someday with my husband of 6 years (we are in our 70's) if Allah Azza wa Jell permits as only He can, to also be among the pilgrims performing the sacred rites of Hajj. Until then, we will continue to strive for the good and stay away from the bad acts that is not pleasing to Allah or our own souls. Jazakala hul kair for the video and may Allah bless all who made it an enjoyable experience, Ameen. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulilahi wa Barakatu.
Sister Aasiyah(Viola) Gary-East Orange, NJ, USA