Hajj: The Largest Annual Convention of Faith

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Hajj, Iman (Faith And Belief) Views: 13239

Allah states in the Qur'an, "And announce to humanity, (O Abraham), the pilgrimage, and people will come from every part of the world by every means of transport." [Qur'an 22:27]. Indeed, centuries after Prophet Abraham's call, this call to journey to Hajj is still being responded to, in numbers larger than ever before; as intended.

Hajj in Perspective

  • As an act , Hajj is fard / obligatory (on those who are able): Human beings who are able to perform the pilgrimage are obligated by Allah to make the pilgrimage to the Ka'bah. [Qur'an 3:97]

  • In significance, Hajj is a rukn / pillar of faith: Islam is built on five (pillars): bearing witness that none s worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishing of prayer, the giving of charity, fasting during Ramadan, the performance of pilgrimage to the Ka'bah for those who are able. [Bukhari]

  • As a tradition, Hajj is a perpetuation of sunnate-Ibrahim (the practice of Prophet Abraham). It was Prophet Ibrahim who was commanded by Allah to announce: "Proclaim the Hajj, people will come from every part of the earth by every means of transport, to witness its benefits." [Qur'an 22:27]

  • As a virtue, the one who completes a duly-performed Hajj is rewarded with Paradise. Prophet Muhammad said: Whosoever performs the pilgrimage appropriately without any vulgarity or impropriety returns from the pilgrimage as pure as the day of birth. [Bukhari]

Demonstration of Muslim Fraternity

The Hajj is that largest annual convention of faith where millions of Muslims gather in the holy land, merging as streams of devotees from every corner of the earth to become part of the sea of Believers spiritually swirling in human waves around the Ka'bah in tawaaf. Each individual pilgrim is like a drop in that ocean; a drop that always yearns to be part of that ocean. An ocean that knows no barrier of race, nor language, nor color, nor gender, nor age, nor time.

The Hajj ...

  • demonstrates universal Islamic fraternity

  • acquaints pilgrims with historical and spiritual environment of Prophet Ibrahim, Haajar, Prophets Isma'il and Muhammad (peace be upon all of them).

  • re-enacts fundamental aspects of our history

  • reminds of the 'Grand Assembly' on the Day of Judgment

The performance of prescribed rites (manaasik), at specified times, at particular places in a recommended manner is aimed at reflecting a wholesome demonstration of Muslim brotherhood and sisterhood. It familiarizes the pilgrim with the historic, spiritual and physical environment of Adam and Eve, Ibrahim, Isma'il, Haajar and of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon all of them).

Dimensions of Hajj

Each aspect of the pilgrimage serves as a religious and symbolic act, historical and social lesson that has both practical and spiritual dimensions:

  • Ihraam - symbol of humility and equality

  • Haram ash-Sharif at Makkah - a blessed place in the City of Ibrahim, Isma'il, Haajar and Muhammad (peace be upon them); the City of Revelation and City of the Ka'bah.

  • Ka'bah - sanctified symbol of unity, established for the upliftment of humanity

  • 'Arafah - a reflection of the Day of Judgment, a Day of Fraternity and Forgiveness

  • Muzdalifah - preparation for struggle against internal and external enemies

  • Jamaraat at Mina - symbolic battle against evil

  • Udhiyah - sacrifice indicating selfless submission to Allah's command

  • Tawaaf - waves in the ocean of humanity glorifying Allah

  • Sa'yi - re-enactment of Haajar's selfless search for water to nourish her precious baby, Prophet Isma'il, the forefather of Prophet Muhammad .

Reflecting on the Lessons of Hajj

The essence of Hajj is the pilgrim's evolution toward a higher degree of submission to Allah. The performance of Hajj is an illustration of the potential strength of the community. It is a symbolic demonstration of unity and harmony; of equality and humility.

Performance of religious acts at prescribed times at particular places in a specific manner, where each act at each place has a purpose, and serves as a...

  • reminder to the mindful

  • lesson to the heedful

  • exhortation to the faithful

  • instruction to the dutiful

  • source of reflection for the wise


Shaykh Sadullah Khan is the Director of Impower Development International www.impowerinternational.com

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights
  Topics: Hajj, Iman (Faith And Belief)
Views: 13239

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Older Comments:
You cant find anywhere in the World apart from Makkah millions
of people flocking to a Religious gathering bringing together
the whole humanity young and old nearly three million in total
donning the same simple white cloth of Ihram chanting Labbaik
purifying the Oneness of Allah the Creator of the Universe.
Everyone is equal in front of Him as no body is superior except
of course in Taqwa..This clearly shows the truth and natural
Universality of our true Deen the Islam which we have to cling
till death. Travelling to Makkah the terra firma Centre of the
Globe known as Ummul Quura Mother of all Towns is a real
inspiration that cannot be explained in words only when you go
there you experience it yourself as they say seeing is
believing.The Pilgrims proceed to Arafat on the 9th of Zul Hijja
reminding the humanity one day we will all be resurrected by the
Creator Allah (S.W.T) on the Day of Judgement after our death
which we have to prepare for.

pray for me from the core of your heart i want to perform Haj but i
am unable to do so.

Superb article. The writer conveys so many aspects of hajj in such a simple manner with so few words. As a religious teacher also involvd with inter-faith teaching, I have used this piece as a source for much productive and thought-provoking discussions on the subject of Muslim pilgtimage. May Allah reward Islamicity and bless the author.

Another year of Hajj has come so Allah has given us the opportunity if you have the means and the provision to perform the Hajj you should avail the opportuniy before it is too late.We call on our brothers and sisters who have never performed Hajj to hasten to do this righetous act which is required on each and every one of us who has the means at least once in your life time.So this the time we should hasten towards the house of Allah is like running towards Allah WA FIRRU ILAL LAH.May He give us the taufiq to discharge our responsibility with ease amen.
