Biden's Muslim Support: Revisited
So, there is the perennial lobbying money issue vs. Muslim clutch vote opportunity. We want our few numbers to tumble the kingship of money, about which we grumble often. So, it’s a watershed moment in modern US politics.
Once for all, we can leave our mark on US political scene. It’s about US freedom as much as it’s for freedom of the Falastinis. We must not disappoint our flushed to the brim white-black-brown, rich-poor, male-female, young-old, white collar-blue collar, Christian-Jew-Other supporters, the Aaron James Bushnells of the world, by succumbing to fear.
Defiance is the language coined by the Falastinis, something the rest of the world has truly gone tizzy over. Let’s not spurn God’s gift to us by turning self-serving cowards. We’ve to be prepared to weather the storm. Our decision today will define and cement a dynamic coalition going way into the future!
There is the US issue vs. the Muslim issue this election year. Trump’s reemergence threatens the US at least as much as it threatens the US Muslims. We should worry about us and do/act from our fundamental perspective: how dare Biden support and allow the brazen scorched earth policy against the Falastinis! We’ve at this time no other over-riding issue.
This is ultimate Islamophobia something the west has been systematically pursuing on Muslims all over Asia and Africa. We’ve to at least blunt and bruise this pathological western bearing.
There is the apparent reality vs. the effective reality. With regard to Israel, the two US political parties form two sides of the same coin. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem was the last straw, but it was based on Trump-Kushner financial/religious goal, not necessarily political goal. Regardless, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, and Blue or Red, for the Falastinis, it has been the same hell on earth.
My two cents: Stay the course until substantive policy change is enacted and followed through with regard to Falastinis. If US attitude and action change with regard to Falastinis, then Muslims in Muslim lands will be also freed from being shadowed and shattered by Israeli policies followed by the US for decades.
Also, this will help to defang and drain the poisonous European bloodlust against Muslims. It will give a permanent pause to Modi’s long term plan in India.m, bi-idhnillah.
Therefore, think, feel and act as one global ummah we must! Pain in one limb should be turning our whole body blue!
So, no fearmongering. No precipitous second guessing. No hammi or huzun. No ajsi or kasal. To be free from ghalibatir rijaal. Have Sobr. Be Shuja. Hold the course.
Topics: Muslim Community, Palestine, Us Elections 2024, War On Gaza
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