They brought me up when I was small...

I wish I could be a child once more
To relive the things I never cared to explore
Those angels around me, those protecting companions
To whom I was the only one - the reason for all their actions
About my health, my safety and my comfort they were always concerned
She held me the closest and to provide the best he always yearned
She saved for me the last portion of my favorite sweet dish
The little savings he had, he spent buying me things before I could wish!
The sickness which embraced me always was indeed a blessing
I had them around me each moment, from sunset till morning
They neither complained nor seemed upset for a while
Their tired eyes would shine brightly to see me smile
To provide the best of education they strove so hard
Every worry and distress from me they would guard
The most expensive necessity was laid down before me
When I asked about the cost, he would say "It is free for thee" 🙂
They did all they could to see me smile, to beautify my life
Through actions and prayers they always tried to remove my grief
To keep me content they always went an extra mile
Rained money and time upon me with a peaceful smile
They brought me up in a beautiful manner - balancing dunya and deen
To build my character they were always so keen
They filled me with passion to learn new things
They were strict in their own way, but valued my feelings
From them I learnt how blessed I am, what a blessing is Islaam
To find peace in prayers, to relieve any pain Qur'an is the balm!
They taught me the way of life, not an inherited religion
Love for cold water for wudu, for hot hijaab in every season
When I was filled with pride for the kiddish achievements
They told me that pride is not for us, it leads to great torments
They taught me to keep a check that Riya doesn't occupy the heart
They taught me to keep away from things which would lead me to a wrong path
Their sacrifices are endless, their favors are too many to be counted
I can never repay their love, to them I will always remain indebted
They made me a stronger soul to face the trials of this life
They showed me the way to prepare for the pleasures of eternal life
What they did was of course their duty
But, alas! I haven't performed mine with sincerity!
When it was time to choose, I went my way
Didn't pay much heed to what they did say
I loved them too and I knew that they loved me more
But I never took time to thank them a little more
They loved me so much that they always forgave and forgot
But having come so far, I am left with a deep regret
I wish I could give them the the moments they needed
I wish I could say "sorry", for my mistakes when they pleaded
I wish I could take back each harsh word I ever spoke
I wish I could accept their decision which in time I did rebuke
I know its too late, I can never be that child again
The one little being whom they wished to correct every now and then
I wish I was given a chance to live my life obeying them
Next to Allaah of course, each moment pleasing them
All I can do now is to love them and cherish them forever
As long as I have them with me, each day for them make happier
But the pain would remain inside me for every hardship I have caused
For every dream their eyes had, but to let me smile they forever paused
Oh Allaah! You have always blessed me with lawful things from You when I sought
Please listen to me - today I beg from You, in the words YOU have taught
Be pleased with my parents on The Day, elevate their ranks, save them from any fall
"...My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up when I was small!" [Al Isra: 24]
...Umm Hashir Firdaus Fathima
Source: Firdaus Fathima Blog
Topics: Parents, Poetry Values: Compassion, Love Channel: Poetry
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