Medico Fiqh Institute: Bridging Medicine and Islamic Ethics


Medico Fiqh Institute, launched on Ramadan 1, 1445 AH (March 11, 2024), is a digital platform committed to examining medical topics through the prism of Islamic jurisprudence.

It delves into the intersection of medicine and Islamic ethics, offering insights and guidance for exploring complex healthcare issues within the framework of Islamic principles.

Islam: A Worldview and Way of Living

Islam encompasses a comprehensive worldview that extends beyond religious rituals, guiding believers in every aspects of life. Rooted in compassion and wisdom, Islamic teachings emphasize the interconnectedness of faith, personal well-being, and societal welfare.

Islam equips humanity with a holistic perspective, essential for the well-being of this world and success in the hereafter.

Fiqh: Practical Guidance for Ethical Living

Fiqh, the jurisprudential framework of Islam, provides practical guidance on ethical conduct and decision-making. From personal choices to social interactions, Fiqh offers principles and guidelines derived from Islamic scripture and tradition. Fiqh provides guidance essential for cultivating improved relationships: 1) with the Creator, 2) with ourselves, and 3) with all living beings.

Healthcare in Islam

In Islam, healthcare is viewed as a sacred mission entrusted to believers. The preservation of life and the promotion of well-being are central tenets of Islamic ethics, emphasizing the importance of holistic care that addresses physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

The Role of the Medico Fiqh Institute

At the Medico Fiqh Institute, we foster dialogue and collaboration among scholars, practitioners, and community members interested in exploring the ethical dimensions of medicine from an Islamic perspective. Through research, discussion forums, and educational resources, we aim to promote a deeper understanding of how Islamic principles can inform and enrich contemporary healthcare practices.


The Medico Fiqh Institute focuses on:

  1. Faith based health solutions
  2. Nurturing faith and health
  3. Islamic Medical Jurisprudence
  4. Holistic healthcare

Together, let us strive to uphold the values of compassion, justice, and integrity in our pursuit of healing and well-being.

Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, PhD is Assistant Professor of Islamic jurisprudence at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur.

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