When I was LITTLE
And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little. Al-Quran: 17:24 Quranic and prophetic traditions are unambiguous in emphasizing the importance of a child to respect his/her parents. Uquq al-Walidayn, i.e., being ungrateful to one's parents, is one of the greatest sins a believer can commit, regardless of their religion. Parental care is maximized during the infancy when the children are most vulnerable and dependent on others. Interestingly, the infancy period is at the same time the least vivid in a human life's memory. No wonder then why the Quran redeems this forgotten period by commanding us to supplicate to the Divine: Have mercy on them both as they did care for me WHEN I WAS LITTLE. The following illustration is just a small example of the immeasurable love parents provide to their children. An Indian mother sits on the floor with her legs stretched close together. She lays her baby on her lap with its head resting on her knees. And the exercise or "ritual" of massaging and caressing of the entire body of the baby begins with a liberal use of oil, abundant manifestation of affection and derivation of pleasure; and this goes on and on. She never seems to tire while the oil lasts - though no spot has been missed. The baby responds to the caressing and cooing by the mother - by purring like a kitten that has its neck tickled. This is a common scene in homes in India and Pakistan; and was so in East Africa too. Whether the traditional massage with "religious regularity" during the infancy is a culture or a healthcare or both, the distinct significance and effect of the mother's touch and caress on the baby cannot be under-estimated. I would call the culture "Touch & Tie" for it is believed to have the effect of tying the baby subconsciously in devotion and loyalty towards the mother and the family for manifestation prominently later in his adult life. It should not be viewed as surprising if some of the small children in an orphanage are on occasions seen leaving their separate beds at night to join others asleep in their separate beds. The touch of legs or hands provides the satisfaction of human-warmth and a sense of security when the touch and caress from the mothers are missing. Reportedly, patients in hospitals appear to be closer and warmer to their physiotherapists than their general physicians whose services, on the other hand, are even more important to them. The spell of quality-life a person has is during the infancy period of touch and caress at the time of breast-feeding - without however, being able to realize or quantify the benefits of its effect on his adult life later. Fortunately, no one normally misses the spell. What can be missing is a complimentary benefit from the touch and caress through massaging during that period.Oil massage is messy, of course, to that mother who is unprepared for it; and so is 'cooking', but then the family needs affection and loyalty as much as the 'daily food'. How interesting! Is it not the mutual affection and loyalty within the family which also ensures the daily food for all in the family?
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