How A Poor Boy Created Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes-Benz is one of the oldest and most luxurious car companies in the world, worth around 80 billion dollars. But being among the most desired and expensive cars today, it’s easy to forget its early humble beginnings.

It all started with a poor engineer, who faced many doubts, hates and failures in his pursuit of building the first horseless carriage. In spite of that, he proved everyone wrong and turned his small venture into the world's first and biggest production car company during the 1890s and early 1900s.

But what started as an inspiring success story, took a surprisingly dark turn, when the company profited from supplying military vehicles to the Nazis under the works of forced labors. 

So well, sit back and relax, today we’ll be covering the insane story of Mercedes-Benz, and the man who brought automobiles to life, Karl Benz.

00:00 - 01:14 Prologue

01:15 - 06:11 Humble Beginning

06:12 - 09:19 Benz & Cie

09:20 - 13:38 The Trip That Shaped The Future

13:39 - 19:05 The Rivalry 

19:06 - 24:27 A New Direction

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