Little Muslims: Mastering Salah with Joy

Salah, or prayer, is a fundamental pillar of Islam, offering a means to connect with Allah and cultivate spiritual devotion from a young age. Teaching children Salah not only fosters discipline but also establishes a strong foundation in their faith journey.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of teaching Salah early in life: 'Teach your children Salah when they are seven years old, and discipline them for it when they are ten years old.' This guidance underscores the gradual introduction of Salah, ensuring children develop a lifelong commitment to prayer.

Steps to Perform Salah:

  1. Intention (Niyyah): Begin Salah with a sincere intention in the heart to worship Allah, setting the purpose and focus of the prayer.
  2. Takbir al-Ihram: Raise both hands to the ears, saying 'Allahu Akbar' (Allah is the Greatest), initiating the prayer.
  3. Qiyam (Standing): Stand facing the Qiblah, hands folded over the chest or at the sides, ready to commence the prayer.
  4. Ruk'u (Bowing): Bend at the waist, placing hands on knees, and recite 'Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem' (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great).
  5. I'tidal (Standing after Ruk'u): Straighten up and say 'Sami Allahu liman Hamidah, Rabbana lakal Hamd (Allah hears the one who praises Him; Our Lord, to You is due all praise).
  6. Sujud (Prostration): Lower the forehead, nose, palms, knees, and toes to the ground, saying 'Subhana Rabbiyal A'la' (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High).
  7. Jalsa (Sitting): Sit briefly between the two prostrations, reciting 'Rabbighfirli' (O Allah, forgive me).
  8. Tashahhud: Conclude with Tashahhud, affirming faith and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Encourage children to learn Salah through consistent practice and understanding of its significance. Utilize resources like Kanzul Huda and emphasize that the best way to teach Salah is to educate children about Islamic knowledge, including Fard Ayn (individual obligations in Islam), nurturing their spiritual growth and fostering a deep connection with their faith.

By integrating these steps into their daily routine with patience and encouragement, children can embrace Salah as a cherished part of their lives, ensuring a meaningful connection with Allah throughout their journey of faith.

Related Suggestions

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