Anti Zionist Comedian EXPOSES How Israel BRAINWASHES Young American Jews

Katie talks to comedian Matt Lieb and musical theater lyricist Daniel Maté about the role of Hasbara, satire and being anti-zionist Jews.

In this clip Katie, Matt and Daniel react to Matt's online videos in which he mocks liberal zionists. Matt Lieb is a comedian, podcaster, accidental award winning journalist, and guy from Good Mythical Morning.

He hosts the podcast Bad Hasbara. Daniel Maté is a musical theater lyricist, the world's only mental chiropractor, and the co-author of "The Myth Of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture" by Gabor Maté. He also co-wrote with Katie the Parody song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now: The Genocidal Remix" a duet by Biden and Bibi.

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