Israel's Dangerous War Game

Two assassinations. Two capital cities. Less than 24 hours.

One struck an apartment in downtown Beirut, killing a woman and two children - targeting a Hezbollah senior commander.

Then just hours later, a strike in the heart of Tehran, assassinating Hamas’ most high profile figure, and its political chief - Ismail Hanieyah.

Israel has claimed the first attack, though not the second - at least not yet - but the reverberations are already starting to be felt - as are fears that we’re barreling towards an inevitable regional war - one that could spiral quickly out of control.

Hanieyah’s killing threatens to derail the already fragile ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas, which have so far failed to put an end to a horrific 10-month war that killed more than 39,000 Palestinians and 1,200 Israelis.

It also pushes the United States deeper into a corner. 

The Biden Administration has failed to pull Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the brink, but continues to supply him with weapons used against a civilian population in Gaza, while undermining attempts to hold Israel to account internationally.

Now less than 100 days before an election that could return Trump to the White House - can the US really afford to follow Israel into a war with Hezbollah - and possibly - a war with Iran?

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