Israel’s Descent Into Madness: ‘Let’s Provoke Regional War’

Ghadi Francis - Israel assassinated two leaders of the Axis of Resistance within hours of each other, in its most explosive provocation for regional war yet. Israel bombed Beirut, killing top Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr, then struck Hamas political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran – both escalating with Iran and killing the individual Israel was negotiating with for a ceasefire in one dangerous blow. Influential Beirut-based journalist Ghadi Francis considers the serious consequences to come after the US and Israel have set the region aflame. 

Vijay Prashad - After Nicolás Maduro was re-elected President of Venezuela with 51.2% of the vote, the Venezuelan right-wing launched violent attacks to discredit the election. Maduro supporters mobilized to defeat what they say is a concerted US-backed coup attempt. Vijay Prashad, Executive Director of the Tricontinental Institute and an international observer of the elections, joins the show to describe what he witnessed.

David Hundeyin - Nigeria erupted in protests this week against the anti-labor policies of the Tinubu administration and soaring inflation that is crippling Nigerians. Investigative journalist and author David Hundeyin joins the show to discuss the demands behind the #EndBadGovernance protests. 

Suchitra Vijayan - In the ten years Narenda Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has held power, Modi has presided over an evisceration of democratic rights in India. Modi has intensified efforts to crush dissent by targeting anyone who questions his government. Suchitra Vijayan, author of How Long Can the Moon Be Caged? Voices of Indian Political Prisoners joins the show to analyze the Modi administration and the systematic silencing of critical voices central to his continued grip on power.

Sean Blackmon- Sonya Massey’s family demands justice after police shot Massey in the face in a brutal murder caught on bodycam. Sonia Massey, a Black woman in Illinois who called police for assistance with a potential intruder, is one of over 700 people killed by police this year, making 2024 one of the deadliest years for police killings since 2013. Sean Blackmon, host of Darker Than Blue LIVE on WPFW 89.3 FM, places the killing of Sonya Massey in the broader context of racist police killings that continue unabated four years after George Floyd. 

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