Israel's Invasion of America

Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the role of America and Israel in the situation.

He expresses his belief in the eventual liberation of Palestine and criticizes American political leaders for their support of Israel, particularly during Netanyahu's speech to Congress. Suleiman also emphasizes the importance of Muslims approaching political engagement strategically and issue-based, rather than partisan.

He shares personal stories of faith and resilience during difficult times and encourages Muslims to confront fear and take action against injustice. The speaker also discusses the concept of Mercy and Justice on the Day of Judgment and encourages unity among Muslim institutions to bring relief to those suffering and spread the word of Allah.

Suleiman expresses his disappointment with the American system's complicity in Israel's occupation and illegal policies and calls for an arms embargo on Israel. He also addresses the issue of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and encourages Muslims to stand against violence and hatred wherever it may be.

OnePath Network sat down with Imam Dr. Omar Suleiman to discuss the current crisis facing Muslims living in the West and the way forward.


00:00 - Introduction

00:58 - Omar Suleiman's Personal Struggles Amidst Today's Crisis

08:08 - Responding to Netanyahu's Congress Address

12:47 - Are you fearful of a Trump Presidency

15:57 - Advice to Muslims in the upcoming Election

21:26 - How to better our engagement look like with non-Muslims

24:06 - The balance between Dawah and Activism

27:00 - Meeting Wael Al-Dahdouh

38:09 - The surge in Islamophobia across America

42:42 - Do you fear for your life given the hostility

44:50 - A personal message to Muslims struggling to cope

49:19 - A description of the Day of Judgement in 2024

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