Jewish Rabbi Admits Islam is the Oldest Religion

Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, a Hasidic Jewish scholar and historian, delves into the intriguing possibility that Islam may have roots predating Judaism, examining the profound connections between the two faiths.

He points out that Jewish literature references a common faith called "Islam," which he suggests existed before the Second Temple, possibly even earlier. Rabbi Ben Abrahamson identifies this ancient faith as the "fear of heaven" or the religion of Noah and Adam.

He highlights the longstanding recognition among biblical scholars of the close relationship between Islam and Judaism, evident in similarities in prayer customs, architecture, and holidays.

However, this understanding has been challenged by German revisionists who wrongly associated Islam with moon or asteroid worship. Rabbi Ben Abrahamson stresses that Muslims are true monotheists who worship the same God as Jews.

Rabbi Ben Abrahamson is founder of Al Sadiqin Organization and consultant to Jerusalem Rabbinical Court on Matters Regarding Islam.

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean "Promoting the Culture of Peace and Global Ethics for Conflict Mediation through Cultural Diplomacy" held in Ankara and Istanbul; May 8th - 9th, 2013


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