The Cost of Silence: How Israel’s Actions Are Fueling Global Instability and Pushing Humanity Towards Catastrophe

Consistent with its disregard for international law, Israel continues its operations as usual.

Despite being accused of carrying out genocide in Gaza and facing the possibility of arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, there is no indication that Israel will slow down its controversial actions.

In a provocative attempt to undermine diplomatic efforts that could have led to a ceasefire and a hostage exchange, Israel allegedly assassinated Ismail Haniyeh—Hamas' political leader and chief diplomatic negotiator—in Tehran, where he was attending the inauguration of Iran's newly elected president.

This action not only signaled Israel's disinterest in peace negotiations but also suggested its readiness for direct conflict with Iran and Lebanon, given that it had reportedly assassinated Fuad Shukr—Hezbollah’s second-in-command—in Lebanon just a day earlier.

“We will get revenge,” affirmed Hassan Nasrallah in his speech on Thursday. “Between us are the days and the battlefields,” he added. Within hours of his speech, barrages of missiles and rockets began to fall on Israel daily, which is seen as a prelude to further retaliation.

No Stranger to Martyrdom

Haniyeh was a cause-driven leader, dedicating his life to the liberation of Palestine. Over the years, 60 members of his immediate family, including children and grandchildren, were reportedly killed by Israel. A pragmatist, he led Hamas in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election against Fatah, a more powerful, better-funded, and more experienced political party led by Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas won by a landslide, securing 76 out of the 132 seats compared to Fatah’s 43.

“Don’t be afraid,” Haniyeh reassured the West, which was inundated with Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian disinformation. “Hamas is a Palestinian movement, it is an aware and mature movement, one which is politically open in the Palestinian arena, to its Arab and Islamic hinterland, and similarly open to the international arena,” he told the BBC.

Israel and the US immediately dismissed Hamas’ victory, asserting they would not deal with Hamas without first recognizing Israel. Haniyeh’s position was clear: they would not accept any precondition to peace and would never recognize an occupation force that has never identified its state borders. What followed were periodic deadly attacks by Israel, which it describes as “mowing the grass,” Hamas’ inclusion on the US terrorism list, and betrayal by Fatah that thwarted the formation of a coalition government.

With Haniyeh now assassinated, Hamas leadership has unanimously elected Yahya Sinwar. The message to Netanyahu and his administration is clear: Hamas is prepared to escalate the conflict.

Enabling Genocide

Israel appears determined to ethnically cleanse Palestinians to establish an exclusively Jewish state that operates above international law. This objective is backed by unprecedented influence in the American political system, which was on full display during Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on July 24, where he was met with numerous standing ovations and enthusiastic cheers.

He told the predominantly pro-Israel congressional body that “a war on Israel is a war on America” and claimed that Iran—not Israel—poses the greatest threat to global security. “It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization,” he said.

Ironically, Netanyahu was not referring to Israel’s ongoing military operations against Palestinians nor the Israeli extremist mobs, including Knesset members, that reportedly stormed two military camps to free soldiers charged with torturing and gang-raping Palestinian prisoners.

With the mask now removed, many people worldwide are beginning to see the true nature of Zionism and the Israeli military’s brutal tactics. The ongoing slaughter and deliberate targeting of children have inspired people of conscience—especially younger generations—to question the established narrative.

Israeli snipers have been accused of routinely targeting children for sport. “We cannot remain silent about what we saw,” said 45 American doctors and nurses who volunteered in Gaza in an open letter to President Joe Biden. After witnessing too many cases of children being killed by snipers, Dr. Mark Perlmutter, a Jewish American orthopedic surgeon and president of the World Surgical Association, confirmed to CNN that some children were deliberately targeted. “No kid gets shot twice by a sniper by mistake,” he attested.

Method of the Madness

Israel is desperate for optics that suggest it remains strong and victorious for domestic consumption. Ten months of a campaign, which has reportedly killed more than 35,000 people—mostly children and women—and destroyed more than 90 percent of Gaza’s infrastructure, has not achieved its stated objectives. Hamas has not been eliminated, hostages have not been freed, and a pro-Israel governing body has not been installed to take over Gaza.

Israel has so far dropped 75,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. With each ton being 2,000 pounds, that amounts to 150,000,000 pounds of explosives—an unprecedented level of destruction. Despite this, bombings continue on refugee camps, schools, mosques, and hospitals.

Since the start of the war in Gaza, the Israeli media has largely kept the average Israeli in the dark about the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) losses of fighters and military equipment. Far-right-fueled nationalism has led most Israeli media—except outlets like Haaretz—to abandon anything resembling objective or ethical journalism.

Debunked disinformation, such as claims that Hamas beheaded babies and committed mass rape, continues to be circulated. According to internationally recognized journalist Gideon Levy, the average Israeli is denied access to field coverage from Gaza that reveals the catastrophic destruction, slaughter of children, and civilian suffering.

Instead, they are fed stories of heroism attributed to their soldiers. Levy urges every Israeli to introspectively ask: Am I better off today than I was ten months ago?

Nuclear Cliffhanger

Since 1979, when a U.S. surveillance satellite detected “a double flash of light in the Indian Ocean midway between Africa and Antarctica,” later identified as a nuclear detonation, Israel has adopted a policy of nuclear ambiguity. According to the CIA, France assisted Israel in acquiring nuclear technology.

As a deterrent and psychological tactic, Israel has intermittently leaked information about its nuclear capabilities and its “Samson Option.” This doctrine is named after the legendary biblical warrior Samson, who drew his strength from his long hair.

Ironically, the Samson Option is a strategy of mutual destruction. After being captured by the Philistines and tied to the pillars of a temple, Samson killed himself and his enemies by collapsing the temple.

The message is clear: if Israel is ever defeated by conventional military means, it will resort to using nuclear weapons, fully aware that it cannot survive the consequences. The entire region would be annihilated if Israel were destroyed.

While the military aspect of the Samson Option has been widely discussed over the past several decades, the economic aspect—how Zionist economic elites allegedly use the global financial system to exert pressure on Western states—has rarely been scrutinized.

In this context, the blind loyalty that the U.S. shows towards Israel is understandable. In essence, U.S. foreign policy is seen as being held hostage by economic coercion. U.S. leaders and policymakers have enabled Israel at the expense of America’s strategic interests in the Middle East and the rising Global South.

Awakening the Dormant Giant

After decades of fragmentation and nearly a quarter-century of devastation in many Muslim countries, a new unity is emerging among Sunnis and Shi’is, Wahhabis and Sufis, secularists and the faithful, intellectuals and religious scholars, politicians and social media influencers.

This unity has been catalyzed by the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The world witnessed the funeral prayer for Haniyeh, led by Imam Ali Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of Iran and a symbolic leader of the worldwide Shia community—not to mention the millions who filled the streets of Tehran to honor their Sunni brother in faith.

More and more people and countries are coming to the realization that Zionism is too radioactive to be associated with. It is a morally corrosive and failed ideology, yet the U.S. remains determined to defend Netanyahu and the Israeli regime as they recklessly lead humanity towards a potential catastrophe.

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