Will China Help the Palestinians?

Judge Andrew Napolitano interviews Pepe Escobar about Ukraine’s military actions against Russia and China’s growing diplomatic influence, particularly in the Middle East. Escobar discusses Russia's strategic response to Ukraine, China's support for Palestine, and the broader implications of China's alliances with Russia and Iran in countering US influence in global geopolitics.

Escalating Tensions and Western Media Silence on China’s Diplomacy

After discussing escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine raising concerns about the potential for a broader conflict, the conversation shifts to China's diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, specifically in supporting the Palestinians—a topic largely ignored by Western media. Escobar highlights a significant event in late July, where 14 Palestinian factions gathered in Beijing to sign a declaration committing to the formation of a unified and sovereign Palestinian state. This declaration was signed under the personal guarantee of Chinese President Xi Jinping, marking a notable but underreported moment in international diplomacy.

China’s Response to the Assassination of Iranian Scientist

Escobar then discusses the assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in November 2020 and its impact on China's diplomatic stance. The assassination was perceived as a major diplomatic insult by China, prompting a strong reaction. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed China's full support for Palestine and Iranian sovereignty during a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Javad Zarif. This incident underscores China's broader strategic alliances in the region, particularly with Iran and Russia. While Russia provides military support, including advanced defense systems, China focuses on diplomatic and geopolitical backing.

China’s Potential Response to US Involvement in West Asia

The discussion moves to China's potential response to ongoing conflicts in West Asia, especially in light of the assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. Escobar suggests that China, as part of its strategic partnerships with Iran and Russia, will likely continue to offer diplomatic and geopolitical support. However, given the United States' involvement, China might be compelled to take more significant action. Escobar emphasizes the interconnectedness of China, Iran, and Russia, with Iran playing a crucial role as the organizer of the axis of resistance. He contrasts China's diplomatic approach with the United States' support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, noting that China views the ongoing conflicts as targeting not just Islam but potentially China itself.

Strategic Partnerships and Criticism of US

Pepe Escobar further elaborates on the strategic partnerships between Russia, China, India, and Iran—referred to as the "BRICS" alliance—and their united approach to countering US hegemony. He highlights Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's deep understanding of America's past actions in regions like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Escobar criticizes the US Congress's response to Netanyahu's bellicose speech, which he argues damaged America's global image as a beacon of fairness and liberty. He also notes that China has been actively supporting the Palestinians, including bringing them to Beijing to demonstrate solidarity.

China’s Growing Role in the Middle East and Its Implications

In the final segment, Escobar focuses on China’s expanding role in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Palestine. He discusses China’s increasing engagement with the region, citing examples such as providing COVID-19 vaccines to Palestine and investing in infrastructure projects. Escobar also points out China’s critical stance towards Israel’s actions against Palestinians and its calls for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, he cautions that while China’s involvement is significant, it may not be a solution to the complex issues facing Palestine. Nonetheless, China's growing presence and support for Palestine could have far-reaching implications for the region.

Pepe Escobar is a columnist at The Cradle, editor-at-large at Asia Times and an independent geopolitical analyst focused on Eurasia. Since the mid-1980s he has lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore and Bangkok. He is the author of countless books; his latest one is Raging Twenties.

Andrew Peter Napolitano is an American former jurist and syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. Napolitano served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995.

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