Mass Exodus? Israel's Economy Self Destructs

In this video, the speaker discusses the economic instability and potential collapse of Israel due to various factors. The ongoing conflict with Palestine and the international community's response have led to a mass exodus of businesses, with over 46,000 bankruptcies, a halted tourism industry, and Israeli bonds sold at junk bond levels.

Key sectors, including tech and construction, have been severely impacted due to military participation and unsuccessful foreign labor imports. The power grid, which largely depends on coal, faces a crisis as major suppliers have suspended shipments. Additionally, Israeli high-tech leaders, professors, and literati are predicted to leave if the trend of lawlessness and Jewish supremacy continues, and there is an attempt to dismantle the Israeli judicial system.

The speaker also mentions the un-sustainability of the high birth rates and government welfare reliance of the Ultra Orthodox community, which could lead to a significant brain drain and potential collapse of the Israeli state. The speaker suggests that political extremism, attacks on the judiciary, and Israeli atrocities and apartheid could accelerate this trend.

Read More: The end of Israel’s economy

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