Japan Excludes Israel from Nagasaki Bombing Ceremony Amid Global Outcry Over Gaza Violence

The victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945, and those in Gaza in 2023 and 2024, were all civilians, yet the perpetrators share a common background, shaped by American and Western ideologies rooted in terrorism, capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, racism, and aggression.

There is a disturbing parallel between America's atomic bombs and the sophisticated weaponry used by "Israel" against Gaza, which are American-made and share the same inhumane characteristics as the policies of successive U.S. administrations.

In August 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki witnessed mass extermination, and Gaza has endured similar devastation for the past ten months. The scale of destruction and the sheer volume of bombs dropped on Gaza by "Israel," supported by American, German, British, French, and other Western powers, surpasses that of the bombs dropped on the two Japanese cities.

As of today, estimates indicate over 40,000 deaths in Gaza, with the toll expected to rise into the hundreds of thousands, including the dead, wounded, missing, and those detained in occupation prisons.

According to a report in July 31, 2024, "Israel" was not invited to the Nagasaki atomic bombing commemoration ceremony, where officials from 115 countries are expected to attend.


Japanese peace activists successfully demanded Israel's exclusion due to its ongoing actions in Gaza, which they argue amount to genocide. Activists also highlighted Japan's double standards, pointing out that while Israel was excluded, Russia—despite its invasion of Ukraine in 2022—was also not invited.

The decision to exclude Israel from the Nagasaki event reflects a growing global awareness of the crimes and massacres being committed by "Israel" in Gaza and occupied Palestine.

Nidal Hamad is a Palestinian author and political commentator living in Oslo, Norway. This article was translated from Arabic to English by freelance writer Mahmoud El-Yousseph of Ohio.

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