‘Israel Has Committed Genocide In Gaza’ Says Former U.S. Marine

In the interview, Kenneth O'Keefe, a former U.S. Marine, discusses his views on the Israel-Palestine conflict and the broader implications of media narratives and morality.

Criticism of Israeli Actions

O'Keefe asserts that Israel's actions in Gaza constitute genocide. He argues that the high civilian casualties and destruction are evidence of a deliberate campaign against Palestinians. O'Keefe calls for international recognition of these actions as genocide, stressing that this acknowledgment is crucial for addressing the ongoing conflict.

Media and Propaganda

O'Keefe is highly critical of mainstream media, accusing it of biased reporting that favors Israeli narratives and undermines the Palestinian perspective. He contends that media control, particularly by a small group of influential entities, skews public perception and hides the reality of the situation in Gaza. He emphasizes the need for independent and accurate reporting to understand the truth of the conflict.

Historical and Religious Context

O'Keefe addresses the historical and religious dimensions of the conflict. He argues that the conflict is not primarily about religion but about humanity and historical claims to land. He dismisses arguments that frame the conflict as a religious dispute, instead focusing on the political and territorial aspects. He also criticizes Christian Zionists and their role in exacerbating the conflict through their religious beliefs.

Morality and Ethics

O'Keefe expresses his views on morality, criticizing what he sees as a moral decline in society. He argues that issues such as homosexuality and transgender rights are being used to distract from more pressing ethical concerns. He believes that a return to moral principles is necessary to address global conflicts, including the situation in Gaza.

Palestinian Perspective and Historical Claims

O'Keefe emphasizes the historical claims of the Palestinian people to the land, asserting that they have been marginalized and misrepresented. He argues that the Palestinians are the legitimate inheritors of the land based on historical and biblical accounts. He also mentions the concept of "Greater Israel" and the role of Palestinians in opposing this expansionist agenda.

Response to Casualty Figures and International Law

O'Keefe addresses the debate over casualty figures in Gaza, referencing sources like the Lancet and Hamas's health reports. He argues that the true number of casualties is likely higher than reported and stresses the importance of addressing these figures in the context of international law. He contends that acknowledging and addressing the full scale of casualties is essential to resolving the conflict and ensuring justice.


O'Keefe concludes by reiterating his call for a truthful and unbiased examination of the Gaza conflict. He stresses the importance of recognizing and addressing the humanitarian crisis, advocating for a fair and honest approach to reporting and understanding the situation.

Kenneth Nichols O'Keefe (1969) is an American humanitarian activist and former U.S. Marine. He led a human shield mission to Iraq and was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara during the Free Gaza flotilla mission.

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