The Destruction of Madinah and The Greater Israel

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin discusses in detail the significance of Palestine and Israel towards the end of times. He discusses at OnePath Network about the return of Jesus, the arrival of the anti-christ and the various signs that play out prior to their coming.


00:00 - Intro

01:30 - Update on the Red Cow Sacrifice

02:24 - Who is the Messiah, the Antichrist and the Mahdi?

03:00 - The Messiah

04:43 - The Antichrist

05:10 - The Mahdi

06:37 - The Messiah in Judaism

08:25 - The Messiah in Christianity

09:36 - Unpacking Evangelical support of Israel

11:09 - The return of Jesus in Islam

12:53 - The Antichrist in Islam

13:57 - The Features of the Dajjal

17:57 - The Arrival of Prophet Jesus

20:30 - Will Jesus return as a Prophet?

22:32 - Important events prior to the arrival of the Antichrist.

23:46 - The Building of the Temple and The Destruction of Madinah

34:16 - Agenda behind 'The Greater Israel'

38:14 - The Hadith of the 12 Caliphs

42:45 - Important Disclaimer

43:30 - What should we be doing to prepare ourselves?

( Source: OnePath Network )

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