Al-Aqsa Incursion Raises Outrage

Muslim nations have condemned Israel following an incident where far-right national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir led over 2,000 Israelis to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Videos surfaced showing groups entering the Mosque compound and singing to commemorate Tisha B'av. Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia have denounced the event as a provocation against Palestinians and the broader Muslim world.

On Monday, 26 August 2024, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir claimed that Jews have the right to pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, saying he would build a synagogue at the flashpoint site, Anadolu news agency reported.

“The policy allows for prayers on the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa Mosque). There is equal law for Jews and Muslims. I would build a synagogue there,” Ben-Gvir, the leader of the Jewish Power Party, told Israel’s Army Radio.

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