Why Has the Muslim Ummah Failed Gaza?

Gaza has been a hurtful experience. This year we saw the passing of a milestone, 100 years without a central leadership.

The last Ottoman Caliphate, with all its faults, remained a global force and acted as a shield for this ummah. So why have we declined to such a degree that it seems our leadership is inept and our ummah has not moved over Gaza. And what now can we do about it?

0:00 – Introduction 

2:21 – Why has the ummah not moved? 

7:18 – Is it a leadership issue 

12:10 – Western interference? 

14:10 – Excuses of the rulers 

17:03 – Decline inevitable? 

25:28 – Prophetic method

34:25 – Do we need a new leader? 

37:41 – Muslim political unity 

42:58 – Poor scholarship 

51:55 – Responding to Gaza’s pain 

Dr. Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan (1953) is a Kuwaiti Islamic author, speaker, and businessman. Trained in classical Islamic sciences and earned a Bachelor’s in petroleum engineering from Penn State and a PhD from the University of Tulsa. Named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims from 2022 to 2024, he has written extensively on religion, history, and management, with several works translated into English and French.

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