UNSC: Russia and America Clash Over Gaza

At a tense UN Security Council meeting on Thursday 29 August 2024, diplomatic tensions flared between the United States and Russia over the ongoing Gaza conflict. The heated debate, centered on the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, saw U.S. and Russian representatives locked in a fierce exchange over their countries' efforts to mediate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

The confrontation intensified as U.S. Deputy UN Ambassador Robert Wood and Russia’s Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy exchanged sharp criticisms. Polyanskiy voiced deep concern over a recent Israeli military attack on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle, condemning the deteriorating situation in the West Bank and urging global pressure on Israel to halt attacks on aid workers. He accused the U.S. of blocking previous ceasefire resolutions and monopolizing the Middle East peace process to Israel's advantage, leading to the current tragic events.

Wood fiercely rebutted, dismissing Polyanskiy's claims and accusing Russia of failing to contribute meaningfully to resolving the Gaza crisis. He condemned Russia's attempts to deflect blame, emphasizing that Israel had informed the U.S. it was investigating the WFP vehicle incident, attributing it to a communication error within the IDF. Wood asserted that the U.S. had done more than Russia to address the crisis and challenged Russia to make a positive contribution or stay silent.

As the session ended, the sharp exchange highlighted the deep divisions and conflicting narratives shaping international diplomacy over the Gaza conflict.

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