Israel is 'Collapsing': Israeli General

This video discusses an article by Yitzhak Brik, a former General in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), published in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article critiques the Israeli military's approach to the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, asserting that Israel, rather than Hamas, is on the brink of collapse.

Critique of Israeli Leadership

  • Overconfidence in Military Success: Brik criticizes the overly optimistic claims made by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He argues that their statements about Israel's control over Gaza and the imminent defeat of Hamas have proven to be groundless.
  • Reality of the Conflict: Gallant is said to have acknowledged the impossibility of total victory in Gaza, recognizing that the ongoing conflict could escalate into a regional war, putting Israel in serious danger.

Consequences of the War

  • Military and Economic Strain: Brik highlights the heavy toll on the Israeli military, with increasing casualties and a lack of progress toward the war's objectives. He warns that if the conflict continues, Israel could face collapse within a year.
  • Social and Economic Impact: The article notes that the reservist army is showing signs of dissent, and the Israeli economy is suffering. Israel is also becoming isolated internationally, facing economic boycotts and arms embargoes.

Calls for Negotiation

  • Assassination and Regional Stability: The article expresses concern over targeted assassinations that could destabilize the entire Middle East. It criticizes Netanyahu for obstructing potential deals that could have secured the release of hostages and de-escalated the conflict.
  • Urgency for a Ceasefire: Brik concludes that Israel must agree to a ceasefire and negotiate to release hostages to prevent further escalation and regional war, for which Israel is unprepared.

Strategic Failure and Humanitarian Crisis

  • Failure to Achieve Objectives: The video argues that Israel has failed to achieve its main objectives, particularly the safe return of hostages. The military actions have resulted in more Israeli hostages being killed by friendly fire than rescued.
  • Impact on Hamas: The article suggests that Hamas cannot be defeated through military means, as the conflict only fuels further recruitment and resistance among Palestinians.

Shifting Public Opinion

  • Israeli Society's Response: The video highlights the divided public opinion in Israel, where many support the use of force, while a small minority opposes it. The recent protests in Tel Aviv are not seen as opposing the war itself but rather the way it has been conducted.
  • International Perception: The video notes a significant shift in global public opinion, particularly in the West, against Israel's actions. Israel is becoming increasingly isolated, with even traditional allies like the United States seeing a change in public sentiment.


The video concludes with a stark warning about Israel's future. It suggests that the current strategy of the Israeli leadership is short-sighted and that the only sustainable solution is to strive for equality and coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.

Related Suggestions

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