Most Powerful Companies on Earth (tier list)

In this video, Aaron Watson ranks the world's most powerful companies and dissecting the source of their immense influence.

Companies include; Meta, the social media titan that cut off a US president's communication, Volkswagen, who holds major sway in Europe, Toyota's impact across Japan and the US, and Samsung's significant role in South Korea's economy.

The video also go into ExxonMobil's geopolitical influence, Saudi Aramco's oil dominance, and Koch Industries' policy power. Plus, ranks Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, News Corp, JPMorgan Chase, Disney, BlackRock, SpaceX, NVIDIA, and more—highlighting their varying degrees of global impact.

Join for an in-depth exploration of corporate power, a critical discussion that redefines understanding of influence in today's world. This video highlights the magnitude of corporate governance and its far-reaching implications.

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