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Is This The Best Argument For God's Existence?

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Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Nature & Science, Videos Topics: Allah, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Cosmology, Iman (Faith And Belief), Islam And Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Science And Religion, Tawhid (Oneness Of God) Values: Knowledge Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:102666} {customField:ic-view-count}886

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Ibn Sina's (Avicenna) "Proof of the Truthful" argues that while everything in the universe is contingent and dependent, a necessary, uncaused existence must exist. He identifies this existence as God, presenting a timeless argument that has influenced both Islamic and Western philosophy.

Introduction to Ibn Sina's Argument for God's Existence

In this video, we explore Ibn Sina's (also known as Avicenna in the West) famous argument for the existence of God, known as the "Proof of the Truthful." This argument, centered on the concepts of contingency and necessity, has been one of the most influential in both the Islamic and Western philosophical traditions. Ibn Sina's profound reasoning continues to be a cornerstone in discussions about God's existence, the nature of reality, and metaphysical philosophy.

Ibn Sina’s Influence on Philosophy and Science

Ibn Sina was not only a prominent figure in the Islamic intellectual tradition but also left a lasting legacy in European thought, particularly through his impact on the Scholastic tradition. His medical textbook was used in European universities up until the 18th century. However, his contributions to metaphysics, specifically his argument for God's existence, are among his most enduring legacies.

The Foundation: Contingency and Necessity

The core of Ibn Sina's argument lies in the distinction between contingent and necessary beings. A contingent being is something whose existence depends on something else—its cause. It could exist, but it might just as easily not exist. In contrast, a necessary being exists by its own nature and does not rely on anything else for its existence. According to Ibn Sina, God is this necessary being, which he terms "Necessary Existence" in Arabic.

The Contingency of All Things

Ibn Sina argues that everything we observe in the world is contingent—it exists due to a cause. For example, humans exist because of their parents, and objects like tables exist because they were made. This chain of contingency extends beyond immediate causes, encompassing the entire cosmos. No contingent thing exists by itself; everything is dependent on something else.

The Infinite Chain of Contingency

If every contingent thing depends on another contingent thing, this leads to an infinite regress of causes. Ibn Sina argues that this cannot go on forever; there must be a first cause or necessary existence that itself is not contingent. Otherwise, nothing would exist. This first, uncaused cause is what Ibn Sina identifies as God.

Refuting the Contingent Whole

Some may argue that the totality of contingent things—the universe as a whole—could be necessary. However, Ibn Sina rejects this, pointing out that the totality is still contingent because it relies on its parts, which are themselves contingent. Therefore, the whole cannot be necessary by its own nature.

The Necessary Existence: God

Ibn Sina concludes that there must be a being whose existence is necessary, not caused by anything else. This being exists outside the chain of contingent things, and by its nature, it cannot not exist. It is the uncaused cause of all things, beyond time and space, and without parts, as any parts would make it contingent. This necessary existence is God.

Unity of the Necessary Existence

Ibn Sina further argues that there can only be one necessary existence. If there were two or more, they would need to be differentiated by something, which would make them contingent. Thus, the existence of more than one necessary being is logically impossible, affirming the principle of monotheism.


Ibn Sina's "Proof of the Truthful" is a profound and influential argument for the existence of God. By showing that everything in the universe is contingent and requires a cause, he logically leads to the conclusion that a necessary being must exist. This necessary existence, which is beyond space, time, and physical form, aligns with the Islamic concept of God. This argument has had a lasting impact on both Islamic and Western philosophy, continuing to inspire debates on metaphysical and theological topics.

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