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A Tipping Point in Israel-Palestine: The Crisis Deepens

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The ominous headlines from Israel and Palestine should have been anticipated. Israel seems intent on exacerbating an already dire situation, while the Biden administration remains in denial that their actions are akin to pouring gasoline on a raging fire.

Israel continues its brutal assault on Gaza, acting as though these actions carry no consequences. The mass evacuations of families and relentless bombings have left Gaza in dire straits, with acute shortages of food, medicine, and water. Reports of children dying from malnutrition and polio add to the growing humanitarian crisis.

What Israel fails to understand is that this anger and pain only fuel further resistance, drawing new recruits to Hamas. For months, Israeli forces have battled Palestinian fighters in Gaza’s northern and central regions, which they previously claimed to have "cleared." Yet, as the U.S. learned in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, no area is ever truly “cleared” as long as the occupying force remains.

Meanwhile, the West Bank is a powder keg waiting to explode. For years, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and border police have conducted deadly raids on Palestinian communities. Since the war in Gaza began, these raids have increased in frequency and lethality, accompanied by aerial bombings.

Additionally, Palestinians have long suffered at the hands of extremist settler violence—arson, looting, and lethal force—often tolerated or even encouraged by the Israeli military. These attacks have only grown in frequency and intensity.

Making matters worse, members of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s governing coalition have engaged in deliberate provocations, stoking tensions. Extremist settlers have been emboldened, illegal outposts legitimized, and some even provided military protection, government services, and weapons.

A cabinet minister led extremists to invade the Haram al-Sharif, declaring intentions to build a synagogue on the grounds of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Another coalition member suggested that Israel’s goal should be to make the West Bank more "manageable" by removing the majority of Palestinians.

These actions have only bolstered Hamas’ recruiting efforts, drawing new members from the occupied territories and Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

Despite these developments, the Biden administration appears clueless—expending energy on ceasefire negotiations that they must realize by now the Netanyahu government has no interest in accepting. The U.S. continues to adjust terms to appease Israel, while Netanyahu, fearing the collapse of his government, stalls or incites further violence.

The U.S. crosses its own red lines and violates its laws, yet continues to send weapons to Israel and threaten those in the international community calling for accountability. This only reinforces Israel’s sense of impunity, escalates Palestinian anger, strengthens Hamas, and increases global condemnation of the U.S. for enabling Israeli actions.

What began as retaliation for the October 7th terrorist attack has morphed into a full-scale genocidal assault with no end in sight, further entrenching resistance. Neither side can hope for any true victory. Both Israeli and Palestinian societies have become more extreme, and the bitterness that has taken root will take generations to heal.

Responsibility lies with Hamas for its horrific October attack, with Israel for its disproportionate response, and with the U.S. for its longstanding policy of enabling Israel’s illegal actions. This policy has empowered extremists, weakened peace efforts, and rendered Palestinian moderates irrelevant.

While Palestinians are continually asked to make concessions, Israelis face few consequences for their refusal to engage meaningfully in peace efforts.

To change this dynamic, the U.S. must dramatically alter its course. A long-overdue halt in arms sales to Israel, alongside recognition of Palestinian self-determination, could be the shock needed to force internal debate within Israel, empower peace advocates, and signal to Palestinians that their plight and rights are acknowledged.

While such steps may not end the conflict immediately, they would set a more productive course toward peace. Some may argue that it is unlikely President Biden will take such a bold stance.

But if he can find the resolve to step aside for his vice president, he can summon the courage to take this step. While it won’t undo the damage already done, it will pave the way for his successor to advance toward Israeli-Palestinian peace.

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