Reminder to All: Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ Mercy

Shaykh Hamza Karamali critiques Jordan Peterson's tweet on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing mercy as a core teaching of Islam. Drawing from the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ life, the speaker highlights his compassion towards children, the vulnerable, and even enemies, urging viewers to embrace mercy in their lives and address global suffering with kindness.

Criticism of Jordan Peterson’s Tweet and the Importance of Mercy

In this section, the speaker criticizes Jordan Peterson for his tweet about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which he suggested giving Netanyahu "hell." Rather than focusing on legal formalities and labels such as genocide, the speaker calls for a return to the message of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, emphasizing mercy. He defines mercy as a softness of heart that compels one to show kindness and offer help to those in need. The speaker encourages viewers to understand mercy through the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, moving them to assist the helpless, such as orphans in war-torn countries. An anecdote is shared where the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ advised someone to stroke the head of an orphan and feed the poor to soften their heart and show mercy.

The Connection Between Mercy and Faith

The speaker highlights the importance of mercy as central to religion, especially through the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Mercy, the speaker argues, is a way to elicit God’s mercy, and hard-heartedness can cause one to lose faith. Using the example of children, the speaker illustrates how mercy softens hearts and draws people closer to God. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, known for his kindness to children and other vulnerable groups, serves as an enduring example of compassion that should inspire viewers.

Prophet Muhammad’s Mercy Toward Children

Here, the speaker discusses two examples from the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that demonstrate his compassion for children. The first instance is when the Prophet ﷺ expressed his love to little girls who sought his attention. The second involves the Prophet ﷺ as an employer to Anas Ibn Malik, a young boy who served him for ten years. Despite Anas’ occasional distractions and forgetfulness, the Prophet ﷺ remained patient and kind. The speaker underscores that this mercy extended not only in religious matters but also in personal and leadership roles, reinforcing the Prophet’s ﷺ commitment to kindness.

Lessons from the Prophet’s Interaction with Children

This segment explores a story where the Prophet ﷺ displayed exceptional kindness to a child, even prolonging his prayer prostration until the child was happy. When a delegation, including a Bedouin named Albis, witnessed the Prophet ﷺ kissing his grandson, Albis expressed surprise, as Bedouins were known for toughening up children. The Prophet ﷺ explained that mercy is essential and that those who do not show it will not receive it. The speaker reflects that if the Prophet ﷺ were alive today, he would rally people to spread mercy and alleviate the suffering of children around the world.

The State of the World and the Need for Mercy

In this section, the speaker reflects on the modern world, focusing on the suffering of children. He contrasts the progress of technology and civilization with the continued harm done to innocent lives. The speaker criticizes the normalization of war and violence and urges viewers to show mercy toward those in need, particularly children. He draws on the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions, who endured hardship but remained compassionate, suggesting that following these prophetic examples is essential to overcoming selfishness.

The Prophet’s Mercy Towards His Enemies

The speaker recounts an incident from the Prophet Muhammad’s life when the people of Taif rejected his message and caused him pain. Despite the harm they inflicted on him, the Prophet ﷺ showed them mercy, understanding that their rejection was rooted in arrogance and self-importance. The speaker emphasizes that mercy should be extended even toward those who harm us, as they are often harming themselves. The Prophet’s ability to forgive his enemies not only won their hearts but also inspired millions throughout history.

Mercy as the Central Teaching of Islam and Other Religions

In this final section, the speaker highlights mercy as a central teaching in all true religions, including Islam. He shares a story of a prostitute from the children of Israel who showed mercy to a thirsty dog, an act that led her to paradise. This story reinforces the importance of mercy as a moral virtue that transcends legal formalities. The speaker calls for a shift in public discourse towards a focus on mercy, using the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as an example.

Related Suggestions

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