Can Kamala Avoid a "Hillary Moment" in 2024?
Is Kamala about to pull off a Hillary in 2024? Will ‘The Donald’ quietly sneak in riding the Electoral College Magic? Probably! How?! Well, Queen Hillary did not physically visit the ‘safe’ states.
Princess Kamala has or is. But a physical visit is not what’s required now but an ethical, humanitarian visit. By not rising to the occasion, and simply relying on the horrifyingness of Trump much as Hillary had relied on the preposterousness of his presidency, the top governmental post is likely to remain gender segregated.
Incredible, but the total disregard of brutal dehumanization of Palestinians, and its unstinted support, by both US political parties serve as a visceral reminder of the condition under which centuries of death and destruction of the First Nation and the Enslaved African Nation took place.
The world of Andrew Jackson and his likes lives on merrily.
With summer break, campus protest naturally tamped down. But the unconscionable Zionist fiefdom did not have even a stuttering moment. The roll call of unimaginable, unforgivable Falastini suffering played out on cue. Tragic but true, ad hoc Falastini reporters on X and Instagram made sure we did not forget.
The Republican Convention in Milwaukee, WI came and went with predictable mendacity, pompousness and preposterousness. The Democratic Convention in Chicago, IL narrowly avoided a trainwreck when Biden officially faded away, all the while the Party breathed Liberal Ultra Left but displayed a heart of stone from which the proverbial giant could not have squeezed out a drop of honesty or courage.
Having Kamala substituted at the helm of the presidential ticket gave the Democrats a breather but nothing else with which the mind could find rest and the heart, peace. In a crass display of indifference, any reference to Falastini suffering was firmly and comfortably spurned. We often hear about speaking truth to power or the courage of conviction as epitome of wholesomeness.
None of it exists in supposedly vaunted US politics. Now that November is hurtling toward us, the amazing young American campus people joined by their conscientious elders from all walks of life as well as by fellow Muslim countrymen have their work cut out – how to rescue and resuscitate ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave’.
The troubled, inveterate free-loader Trump screams to bring the house down with his righteous right-leaning self-serving rigidity. His followers say they have forgiven him, while he has never confessed to anything, much less asked for forgiveness, and while they are neither the party hurt nor God.
Such is the state of faith structure of Zionist Christians. How can one trust them to run the country when they are not good at one thing that they are supposed to be better: Faith!
These young people are not going to abstain. They are rapidly reconciling to support Jill Stein hoping that she garners two percent of the votes. That way, come election time in 2028, her party will receive Federal funding. On the other hand, in the Primaries the Muslims have provenly distanced themselves from the Democratic Party in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
However, in their heart of hearts they have been equivocating since October 7, 2023 for many of them are deadly afraid of a Trump repeat-term. There are several reasons why Muslims, too, should reconcile to supporting Jill Stein.
In her acceptance speech at the nomination convention, Kamala echoed verbatim the sentiment as well as the words of her President. Based on many levels of explanation, Muslims are bound not to vote for Kamala as much as they were bound not to vote for Biden.
Muslims, as the middle nation (Al Qur’an – 2:143), must remain true to their faith by standing up for Justice and Goodness as well as Balance (Al Qur’an – 16:90; 55:7-8). Since Muslims constitute the best of nations pulled out from mankind; enjoining good, forbidding evil and believing in God (Al Qur’an- 3:110), they must walk narrow and straight! They are also required to stand up for suffering humanity, that includes the Falastinis.
The believers (Muslims) are like one body; when any part aches, the whole-body aches (Hadith).
They cannot side with those who kill innocent people (Al Qur’an – 5:32) for such killing is a major sin. Muslims regularly pray saying that they have taken sanctuary with the Creator against anxiety about the future (hammi), incapacity (ajzi) and indolence and unwillingness (kasal). Now, after all this, should Muslims succumb to Trump-dread, then they would have chosen to be hypocrites (munafiq), the lowest form of human being in the sight of God.
Further, when the world is amazed and moved by the faithfulness of the Falastinis facing utter destruction, the US Muslims cannot run for cover. What Trump can do to us is nothing compared to what Isarel dishes out daily to the Falastinis. Besides, the rightist, pseudo-nationalist Trump and his likes in the West constitute a phenomenon not just against Muslims but also against majority of liberal-minded westerners. So, he is a headache for the whole nation, not just for minorities.
Finally, for a long time. Muslims have been complaining about the financial clout of the Zionist lobby. Now, because of the Electoral College system, Muslims are in a unique position to match that power with their votes in swing states. This is watershed moment in history that Muslims should not pass up.
Also, by aligning with non-Muslim supporters of Falastin, we are about to build a precious long-term alliance. Muslims have an incredible amount to contribute to their new homelands in the west. However, given that the Media ignores us on a regular basis, we need alternative means by which people will listen to our ideas and suggestions. Thus, those with whom we cooperate, and gain respect, are most likely to listen to us.
So, let us Muslims do the right thing at the right time this election year – move away from voting for the presidential candidates of both established parties. We must not abstain, though.
Having made our votes matter in a manner that will shake up the Democratic Party, let us vote for Jill Stein (though Cornell West is the other third-party candidate). That way, we may have another salutary effect - move the needle toward a viable third party.
Author is a Labor-Development economist having also worked on certain theoretical aspects of Zero-Interest Financial System (Islamic Banking, etc.) He is a life-style coach for addicts , socio-political essayist, and published poet.
Topics: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Us Elections 2024
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