IslamiCity Screens Powerful Documentary on Gaza War Crimes in Doha

Category: Featured, Highlights, World Affairs Topics: Gaza, Palestine

Los Angeles, CA | September 19, 2024 — IslamiCity, in collaboration with Anadolu Agency, recently showcased the groundbreaking documentary The Evidence at the National Museum of Qatar in a significant event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This powerful film, which exposes Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza, drew an international audience, including prominent Qatari government officials and ambassadors from around the world.

Produced by Anadolu Agency and being distributed by IslamiCity, The Evidence features gripping footage and interviews that document human rights violations in Gaza since October 2023. The documentary shines a spotlight on Israel’s unlawful use of white phosphorus and other internationally condemned actions. Its release comes at a critical time, as global attention to the Palestinian struggle intensifies, and calls for justice and accountability grow louder.

During his opening remarks, Ibrahim bin Sultan Al Hashmi, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Media and Communication Department, emphasized the indisputable justice of the Palestinian cause. “People lose their humanity when they do not stand for justice,” Al Hashmi stated, underscoring Qatar’s unwavering support for the rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to establish an independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

“We are committed to bringing this documentary to a wide audience across the U.S. and globally,” said Mohammed Abdul Aleem, CEO of HADI and IslamiCity. “We seek to inspire meaningful action. We’re launching a grassroots campaign called ‘Just One,’ where we partner with organizations to host screenings in their communities and encourage attendees to bring just one neighbor, colleague, or friend. Additionally, we’re developing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) elements to accompany major screenings, creating an immersive empathy experience that connects people to the inconceivable humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

Abdelkader Karakel, Director of the film said, “The documentary offers irrefutable proof of war crimes.” He emphasized that the real challenge was faced by the journalists working under extreme conditions on the ground to deliver these images.

The U.S. tour will launch in October 2024 and will feature panel discussions with international experts, activists, and academics. IslamiCity encourages communities across the nation to engage in this critical conversation, raising global awareness and advocating for Palestinian rights.

For more information about the U.S. screenings, visit

To host a screening click HERE.

Instagram Reel of the event by Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lolwah Al-Khater, Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mohammed Abdul Aleem, CEO of HADI and IslamiCity, discuss the documentary.

  Category: Featured, Highlights, World Affairs
  Topics: Gaza, Palestine

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