Turkey: A Muslim Superpower?

This video examines Turkey’s growing efforts to position itself as a leader within the Islamic world, particularly under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Once a secular republic distancing itself from its Ottoman past, Turkey has reoriented its domestic and foreign policies to boost its influence among Muslim-majority nations. Through military interventions, humanitarian aid, and cultural diplomacy, Turkey has elevated its role within organisations like the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and garnered support on crucial issues such as Palestine, where Erdoğan has been particularly outspoken against Israel.

Despite Turkey’s increasing prominence, the video highlights the significant challenges it faces in becoming the dominant force in the Muslim world. Historical grievances, particularly from Arab states that endured Ottoman rule, and political tensions with nations like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE, complicate Turkey’s aspirations. Additionally, competition from other influential Muslim states like Indonesia, Pakistan, and Iran, as well as Turkey’s shifting alliances, raise doubts about its ability to unite the diverse Islamic community.

The video concludes that while Turkey remains a highly influential actor, it is unlikely to achieve overarching leadership in the Muslim world due to these complex dynamics.

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