Netanyahu Unveils "Greater Israel" Plan at UN

In a sharp critique of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "deranged" UN General Assembly address, The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Anya Parampil dissected his vision for Israeli dominance in the Middle East. Netanyahu framed it as a choice between aligning with Israel for prosperity or facing destruction. His speech emphasized the "Greater Israel" project, linked to U.S. neoconservative policies, calling for the defeat of Palestinian resistance and the reshaping of the region with Israel at its center.

Netanyahu's UN Rant and Audience Response

Netanyahu's speech at the UN General Assembly was characterized by its bold claims and controversial ideas, echoing his previous speeches before Congress. However, this time his audience was notably absent, with many walking out during his address. Unlike his Congress speech, where supportive applause was prevalent due to APAC influence, his UN speech faced a global audience less receptive to his messages.

Messianic Tone and Vision for the Middle East

Netanyahu framed his speech around a religious metaphor, drawing from Deuteronomy to present Israel as a divine force offering a blessing or curse to the Middle East. He essentially placed Israel in the position of God, with the curse represented by resistance states like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and a vision of their destruction. The blessing, on the other hand, involved a Zionist-led land bridge stretching from Israel through Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and beyond to India, fostering prosperity in the region. This, according to Netanyahu, hinges on the destruction of the so-called "Axis of Resistance."

The "Greater Israel" Project

Netanyahu's vision ties closely to the broader idea of a Greater Israel, a concept long seen as fringe but increasingly central to Israel's regional ambitions. This vision requires the suppression and destruction of Palestinian resistance, and the subjugation of surrounding nations like Lebanon and Syria. In Netanyahu's view, the wars Israel has engaged in, including the Syrian conflict, are part of a strategy to weaken Arab states and consolidate Israeli control.

The Seven-State War and Neocon Agenda

Netanyahu's speech also touched on a broader neoconservative agenda that dates back to the post-9/11 period. This agenda involves waging war on seven Muslim-majority countries to control resources, trade routes, and geopolitical influence. The wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria have all served this agenda, weakening potential adversaries to Israel while securing control over key regions. Netanyahu's rhetoric suggests that this neocon plan is still very much alive, with Iran being the final frontier in this "seven-front war."

Implications of the Abraham Accords

Netanyahu positioned the Abraham Accords, which normalize relations between Israel and several Arab nations, as part of this larger project. The accords, which began under the Trump administration and continue under Biden, are framed as steps towards securing Israeli dominance in the region. Netanyahu's speech linked the Accords to the defeat of Palestinian resistance and the reshaping of the Middle East under Israeli-Western control.

The Greater Israel Vision's Connection to U.S. Policy

The speech also highlighted the influence of the U.S. neoconservatives in shaping Israeli policy. Documents like the "Clean Break" report, prepared by neocons for Netanyahu in the 1990s, outlined a vision of Israeli regional dominance that aligns with the wars and conflicts seen since 9/11. Netanyahu's UN address echoed these long-held goals, connecting the dots between the destabilization of Middle Eastern states and the consolidation of a Greater Israel.

Yemen and Saudi Arabia's Role in the Greater Israel Plan

Netanyahu's vision also incorporates plans for Yemen, where Saudi Arabia plays a significant role. The Saudis, through Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, have reportedly supported the Abraham Accords and see Yemen as part of their own expansionist ambitions. Netanyahu's speech hinted at a future where Yemen is transformed into a resort area for wealthy Saudis and a strategic hub for oil exports, further entrenching the Israeli-Saudi alliance within the Greater Israel framework.

Conclusion: A Dangerous Path Forward

Netanyahu's UN address painted a vision of a future Middle East dominated by Israeli power, backed by Western interests and regional allies like Saudi Arabia. This vision hinges on the destruction of resistance movements and independent Arab states, in service of a Greater Israel. The speech reaffirmed that this decades-old neoconservative project remains central to Israel's foreign policy, with potential catastrophic consequences for the region and beyond.

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