Islamisation of Knowledge and Balanced Living: Reflections from the AHAS KIRKHS Ibadah Camp 2024

AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS) is the largest kulliyyah at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) with 11 departments, over 5,000 students, 218 academics, and 45 staff.

It plays a significant role as the backbone of the IIUM, whose vision and mission focus on the Islamisation and integration of knowledge, as well as reforming the ummah.

The Islamisation of human knowledge (IOHK), as defined by the first Dean of AHAS KIRKHS and former IIUM Rector, Al Marhum Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr. M. Kamal Hassan, is "the process by which aspects of acquired human knowledge -- as products of human reasoning, experimentation, or sense experience -- are produced, constructed, developed, utilised, and interpreted to be in accordance with the Beliefs, Tenets, Shari‘ah, and Ethics of Islam [or WORLDVIEW OF ISLAM]."

A recent Ibadah Camp for AHAS KIRKHS staff members, themed "Cultivating Wisdom, Inspiring Excellence, and Shaping the Futures," encouraged reflection on several important points. The camp served as a spiritual journey, highlighting the importance of pursuing knowledge and wisdom with beneficial application, promoting excellence in individuals, and shaping the future for the university and the larger community.

At the camp, Professor Dr. Thameem Ushama reiterated Al Marhum Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr. M. Kamal’s belief that "Islamisation or Islamicisation of the self is part and parcel of the Islamicisation/Islamisation of Human Knowledge (IOHK) in IIUM." As Muslims Islamise themselves, a profound reflection on their purpose in life -- to serve Allah SWT -- becomes evident, as stated in the verse:

“I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me” (Quran, 51:56).

This reminds Muslims of the value of remembrance, love, devotion, and the pursuit of Allah’s pleasure while also seeking a balance in life, as prescribed by Islam.

Al Marhum Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr. M. Kamal also discussed the balanced Muslim life in his writings on al-wasatiyyah. He explained three meanings of al-wassatiyyah: excellence in attributes, justice in decisions not swayed by emotions, and balance or moderation. Muslims should commit time to both worldly life and the Hereafter.

IIUM Staff

He also referenced the notable Muslim scholar Professor al-Faruqi, who described the Islamic Ummah as the ummatan wasatan,

"the median among the peoples of mankind" (Quran, 2:143).

Professor al-Faruqi’s interpretation of al-wassatiyyah -- the middle way -- highlights the Islamic balance or "golden mean," portraying Islam as a religion of justice, goodness, and moderation. This concept also emphasizes the importance of interreligious dialogue, peaceful coexistence, and tolerance.

The Ibadah Camp’s theme also stressed the Islamic ideal of applying knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of society. As Professor Dr. Shukran highlighted in a seminar, community engagement is a core aspect of the kulliyyah’s mission, encouraging both academics and students to strive for excellence and contribute to the well-being of society. A Hadith reported by Jabir reflects this ethos:

"The believer is friendly and befriended, for there is no goodness in one who is neither friendly nor befriended. The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people" (al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ lil-Ṭabarānī 5937).

The kulliyyah’s community engagement activities are formalised through the Synergised Academic Activity (SAA), integrating teaching, consultancy, research, innovation, and publication, while inculcating Islamic values and purpose.

Additionally, the camp focused on the concept of Murabbi, as described by Professor Dr. Shukran. Murabbi refers to those who guide students through an integrated and holistic approach, emphasising good akhlaq (character), divine and mainstream sources of knowledge, and an understanding of the purpose and reality of knowledge.

The Ibadah Camp at IIUM is an annual event for all academics and administrators. The organisation of Ibadah Camp 2024 for AHAS KIRKHS was led by Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin, the Coordinator of the Islamisation of Knowledge. The camp was held from 9 to 10 September 2024 at the Institute of Leadership and Development (ILD), University Teknologi Mara (UiTM).

Dr. Aida Mokhtar is an associate professor at Department of Communication AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia. Her research areas of interest are: Islamic advertising, advertising regulations, integrated marketing communication and social communication.

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