Israeli Soldiers Boasting About War Crimes

Richard Sanders discusses the atrocities in Gaza, the role of Western media, and the alarming rise of genocidal impulses within Israeli society in this eye-opening documentary interview.

Palestinian Journalists Exposing Israeli War Crimes

The video titled "Israeli Soldiers Aren't Hiding Their War Crimes - They're BOASTING About Them with Richard Sanders" highlights the role of Palestinian journalists in exposing the war crimes committed during Israel's onslaught against Gaza. Despite this exposure, Israeli soldiers post about their war crimes on social media, openly celebrating the suffering of Palestinians. Richard Sanders, a journalist and documentary filmmaker, voices his concern over the Western media's portrayal of Israel as a democratic state and its failure to hold Israeli soldiers accountable for their actions.

Radicalization and Genocidal Impulses in Israeli Society

The video delves into the radicalization within Israeli society and the resulting war crimes against Palestinians. Sanders explains how Israeli soldiers display a racist mentality, rejoicing in the destruction of civilian structures, posting pictures with women's underwear stolen from Palestinian homes, and using excessive explosives. The impunity with which these soldiers operate is facilitated by a lack of condemnation from Israeli leaders, effectively allowing these violations of international law to continue.

The Dehumanization of Palestinians

One particularly disturbing trend discussed in the video is the behavior of Israeli soldiers who, instead of sharing combat footage, post images with Palestinian women's underwear. Sanders links this to a broader trend of dehumanization and misogyny within Israeli society. He contrasts this with the footage shared by Hamas, and calls into question the damage claimed by Israel, pointing to a lack of evidence supporting allegations like Hamas using human shields—claims frequently propagated by Western media.

Systematic Abuse of Palestinian Civilians

The video further exposes the systematic abuse of Palestinian civilians, including the use of human shields by Israeli soldiers and sexual violence in Israeli detention centers. Sanders criticizes the Western media's selective focus on sexual violence by groups like Hamas while ignoring the widespread atrocities committed by Israeli forces. Examples of these abuses are provided, highlighting the need for accountability and the Western media's complicity in legitimizing the ongoing slaughter.

Torture and Genocidal Language in Israeli Society

Sanders also discusses the torture and mistreatment faced by Palestinian prisoners, including children, at the hands of Israeli forces. These abuses extend beyond combatants to include random civilians, underscoring the prevalence of genocidal language and sentiments within Israeli society. He warns that the rise of right-wing elements in Israel, combined with ethnic cleansing policies, has created an environment where the most violent impulses against Palestinians are not only accepted but celebrated.

The Western Double Standard

The final section of the video addresses the double standard in the Western response to Israel's actions. Sanders argues that Israel, unlike other hostile states, seems to face no serious consequences for its actions, even when they violate international norms. He stresses the importance of documenting these atrocities to ensure accountability and urges the international community to hold Israel to the same standards it applies to other nations. The documentary aims to spread awareness and prevent anyone from claiming ignorance of these war crimes.

Watch: Investigating War Crimes in Gaza by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit

Richard Sanders is an award winning TV producer specializing in history and news and current affairs. He has made more than 50 films. He has written for a number of publications including The Daily Telegraph and the Boston Globe and is also the author of two history books.

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