Why 2 Billion Muslims Can't Help Palestinians?

In the video, the speaker examines why two billion Muslims struggle to defend their own, stressing the importance of knowledge, unity, and individual effort to overcome challenges like ignorance, poverty, and division, and urging renewed commitment to faith and action.

The Conquest of Constantinople and the Role of Knowledge

In the opening section of this video titled "That's How MUSLIM WORLD Will RISE!", the speaker delves into the historical event of the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire. Central to this discussion is the role played by a Hungarian cannon maker named Orban, who provided the Ottomans with the technical knowledge to construct powerful cannons. This example is used to illustrate the overarching importance of knowledge, effort, and struggle in achieving monumental goals.

The speaker then reflects on the current global situation, where Muslims face persecution despite their population numbering two billion. He questions why this large number is not enough to protect their fellow Muslims. The answer, he suggests, lies in understanding the lessons from history and learning from the past, as the Muslim world was once dominant in both science and knowledge.

The Enemies of the Muslim World: Lack of Education, Poverty, and Conflict

The speaker shifts focus to the main challenges hindering the progress of the Muslim world: lack of education, poverty, and conflict. These factors, the speaker argues, prevent Muslims from aiding Palestinians and advancing as a community.

Using historical examples, such as the Battle of the Trench, the speaker highlights the importance of knowledge and development, emphasizing that Islam promotes the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement. Neglecting education leads to a downward spiral, resulting in poverty and division. The speaker stresses that these three issues are interconnected, with improvements in one area triggering positive developments in the others. Unity, knowledge, and education are seen as the key weapons in overcoming these challenges.

The Call for a Return to the "Glorious Days of Islam"

The speaker encourages Muslims to work towards restoring the "Glorious Days of Islam," a time when Muslims were powerful and stood against oppression, regardless of the oppressed person's religion. The speaker suggests that the current struggles are not a result of external opposition but rather the negligence and inaction of Muslims themselves.

Using the analogy of a tree shedding its leaves, the speaker emphasizes that difficult times also present the opportunity for renewal and growth. Muslims are urged to reconnect with their faith and take decisive actions to fight the real enemies of Islam: ignorance, poverty, and division. By setting clear goals, deepening their knowledge of Islam, and embodying Islamic values through their actions, Muslims can contribute to the rise of a strong and unified Muslim world.

A Story of Individual Duty and Collective Responsibility

In the final section, the speaker shares a short story that illustrates the concepts of individual duty and collective responsibility. The story revolves around a carpenter who crafted a beautiful pulpit for Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem but was unable to place it due to the Crusaders' control. The carpenter's faith and encouragement inspired a young listener named Salah, who eventually grew up, led an army, and liberated Jerusalem, placing the pulpit in the mosque.

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of individual action and the belief that one day, the Muslim world will rise to overcome the challenges it faces. The speaker concludes by underscoring the significance of taking personal responsibility and contributing to the collective effort for the betterment of the Muslim world.

Reference for hadith: "Seek knowledge, even if you have to go as far as china" (Beyhakî, Shuabu’l-Eeman-Beirut, 1410, 2/253)

Related Suggestions

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