Vote Against Genocide: A Call to Vote for Truth and Justice

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Allah says in the Qur’an:

“O believers! Stand firm for justice as witnesses for Allah even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or close relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is best to ensure their interests. So do not let your desires cause you to deviate from justice. If you distort the testimony or refuse to give it, then [know that] Allah is certainly All-Aware of what you do.” - Qur’an 4:135

For the past year, we have watched in horror as our brothers and sisters in Palestine are slaughtered in cold blood. We have also witnessed Israeli soldiers destroy mosques, desecrate copies of the Qur’an, and openly insult the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)—all with the full backing, funding, and blessings of the current administration.

This isn't just another tragedy; it is a deliberate, calculated genocide and an attack on the very tenets of our faith, funded with our tax dollars and carried out with the full support and complicity of the Biden-Harris administration.

Now, those responsible for this bloodshed and destruction have the audacity to demand the Muslim-American community to vote for them to stop a Trump presidency, hiding behind the excuse of a “lesser-evil” strategy.

We, the undersigned, call on Muslim-Americans to refuse this false binary.

None of this is an endorsement of Donald Trump's vile, racist agenda, which includes advancing the apartheid and genocidal interests of a foreign state while falsely claiming to put America first. Rather, it is about prioritizing our faith and humanity, taking a stand for justice, and rejecting anyone who has supported, enacted, or promised to perpetuate such evil.

We are fully aware of the threats a Trump presidency poses to this country on the domestic front. However, we also recognize that the oppression of tens of millions within these borders is not limited to one political party—it is a systemic issue designed to repress those pushed to the margins. From the violent suppression of anti-genocide encampments to the inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, and the state-sanctioned murder of Imam Marcellus Khalifah Williams, we understand that the oppressive hand of the state operates beyond party lines.

Our children here, too, are hungry. Our schools are collapsing. Our elderly are dying in debt. Our streets are filled with families who should be warm, fed and under a roof. We have no money for them, but every penny in the world to slaughter, maim & decimate an entire people?

And so, we are putting our faith and humanity first, rejecting anyone who has endorsed, perpetrated, or vowed to further evil. We are not choosing between a lesser and greater evil; we are staring down two monstrous evils: one that is currently committing genocide and one which is committed to also continue it.

Both are poised to finish the job.

Together, we stand firm in our refusal to support any political party or candidate that has actively participated in and funded the unprecedented violence that has shocked the world. We may not know what the future holds, but we know this: we will not taint our hands by voting for or supporting an administration that has brought so much bloodshed upon our brothers and sisters.

We want to be absolutely clear: don’t stay home and skip voting. This year, make a statement by voting third party for the presidential ticket. Equally important, vote all the way down the ballot for candidates and policies that stand for truth and justice, ensuring your voice is heard at every level.

The Democratic Party’s ongoing refusal to show any intention of reform, even as we witness the greatest catastrophe in modern history, along with the Republican promise to only worsen this evil, leaves us no choice but to take this step. We ask Allah to guide us to righteousness, to always stand with the oppressed, and to grant the downtrodden victory over their oppressors wherever they may be. Ameen.


Dr. Abdullah Al-Ahsan
Imam AbdAlAziz Eddebbarh
Shaykh AbdelRahman Saafan
Imam Abdishakur A Ali
Imam Abdullah Ashraf
Imam Abdullah Khadra
Imam Abdul Khalid Baloch
Hafiz Abdul Rafey
Imam Abdul Muhaymin Priester, III
Imam Abdou Zindani
Imam Abdinour Reshid
Ustadh Adnan Mukhtar
Imam Ahmad Noubani
Imam Ahmad Sharaf
Imam Ahmad Shqeirat
Imam Ahmed A. Qadeer
Imam Ahmed Bedir
Imam Ahmed Rabi
Dr. Ahmed Naser
Shaykh Ahmed Alhasasneh
Shaykh Ahmed Billoo
Shaykha Aisha Al-Adawiya
Imam Akram Baioumy
Imam Ali Ahmed
Imam Anisul Haque
Dr. Asif Hirani
Imam Atif Chaudhry
Imam Ayman Soliman
Imam Bachir Djehiche
Imam Chris Caras
Imam Dawud Walid
Dr. Ermin Sinanovic
Imam Farhan Khan
Imam Fayaz Nawabi
Imam Fuad Mohamed
Dr. Farah Zaidi
Imam Hameed Siddiqui
Imam Hassan Jama
Imam Hassan Selim
Imam Hosny Ibrahim
Imam Hussein El-Hennawy
Shaykha Haifaa Younis
Ustadha Humera Sheikh
Imam Ibrahim Khader
Dr. Ismail Elshikh
Dr. Jasser Auda
Dr. Jihad Saafir
Imam John Ederer
Dr. Khalid Nasr
Imam Liiban Nur
Imam Marc Manley
Imam Mazhar Mahmood
Moulana Syed Rizwan A. Rizvi
Shaykh Mohamed Dahir
Imam Mohamad Joban
Shaykh Mohammed Ahmed
Imam Mohamed Badawy
Imam Mohammad Elshinawy
Imam Mohammed N Alam
Dr. Mohamed Abdelati
Dr. Mohamed Reza Mansoor
Imam Muhammad Kareem
Imam Muhammad Mansoor
Imam Mustapha Elturk
Dr. Moustafa Kamel
Dr. Munawar Haque
Imam Nargis Elahi
Imam Naser Rezk
Imam Nasser Hussein
Shaykh Naveed Ganjani
Imam Omar Al-Ani
Imam Omar Bihi
Imam Omar Othman
Imam Omar Suleiman
Imam Omar Tawil
Imam Omar Yacoub
Imam Osama Alrefai
Ustadh Osama Alrefai
Dr. Osman Umarji
Imam Othman Altalib
Shaykh Rizwan Arastu
Imam Saeed Roderick Purcell
Imam Salman M Ali
Imam Shahid Farooqi
Imam ShemsAdeen Ben-Masaud
Shaykha Muslema Purmul
Imam Shuaib Mansoori
Shaykh Salahadin Wazir
Dr. Sayyid Sulayman Hassan
Dr. Shadee Elmasry
Imam Suhaib Webb
Shaykh Suleiman Hani
Shaykh Suhail Mulla
Ustadha Mariam Siddiqui
Ustadh Mobeen Vaid
Shaykh Syed Imaduddin Quadri
Ustadha Rama Thaher-Sawalhi
Imam Taha Hassane
Imam Tom Facchine
Imam Usama Baqai
Dr. Wail Mostafa Hassan
Dr. Waleed Basyouni
Imam Waleed Tawfik
Dr. Yasir Qadhi

( Source: Vote Against Genocide )

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