How Can Trusting Allah Help You Overcome Doubts and Embrace Faith?

One of the implications of belief in Allah (al-iman bi Allah) is to trust His words completely and to follow His guidance unwaveringly. It is not a good sign if a Muslim’s faith is beset with inconsistencies in his multitiered relationship with his Creator.

We cannot believe in Allah without believing Him, nor can we trust Him in some matters, but doubt Him in others.

This unfortunately is the case with many Muslims nowadays. While they assert their faith in Allah and acknowledge His existence, they demonstrate a significant reluctance to wholeheartedly rely on the truthfulness of all His words, let alone incorporate them into their actions.

The following four verses of the Qur’an, when scrutinized against the backdrop of what is happening today in and to the Muslim world, exhibit some worrisome deficiencies in our Islamic conviction.

“And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you (be pleased and satisfied with you) until you follow their religion. Say, ‘Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the (only) guidance.’ If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper” (al-Baqarah, 120).

“Here you are loving them but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture – all of it. And when they meet you, they say, ‘We believe.’ But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, ‘Die in your rage.’ Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts” (Alu ‘Imran, 119).

“And indeed, they were about to tempt you away from that which We revealed to you in order to (make) you invent about Us something else; and then they would have taken you as a friend” (al-Isra’, 73).

“And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will be fitnah (tumult and oppression) on earth and great corruption” (al-Anfal, 73).

What comes next is an interpretation of the major lessons that can be extracted from the quoted verses.

Islam is not acceptable to non-Muslim bigots

We should stop fooling ourselves and admit that Muslims will never be looked at as equal and treated fairly as long as they practice their Islam and stick to their Islamic identity. The rule of the game in the worldwide arena is simple: Islam as the religion of truth is perceived as a source of danger by all who embraced and practice any form of falsehood. The more Islamic Muslims and their lifestyles are, the bigger danger they pose, and vice versa.

From the moment Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) was tasked with merely conveying and explaining – rather than imposing or enforcing – the truth of Islam as the solitary religion with Allah – because inasmuch as there is only one truth and one God, there must be one religion too – the fear of and work against Islam started in earnest at the hands of such as felt inclined to reject it for whatever personal or shared motives.

As the effects of the Prophet’s Islamic mission extended far and wide, during his time and afterwards, so did the antagonism and resistance against it, giving birth to what is called in modern times Islamophobia.

However, in this context, one thing always goes undetected, which must be highlighted.

Muslims en bloc were never and at any point of time in history the source or drivers of global interreligious and inter-civilizational apprehensions. Which is understandable, for Muslims’ duty was and remains no more than communicating and clarifying the message of Islam to the world, thus creating conducive environments for people to consciously accept or reject it.

Doing so differently is utterly un-Islamic and so, unacceptable.

The problem was on the other side of the spectrum. As simple and straightforward as it may seem to Muslims, the innocuous process of introducing Islam to humanity seemed loaded with numerous hazards as far as non-Muslims were concerned. Especially their religious and socio-political leaderships - called repeatedly by the Qur’an “al-mala’” (see: Elites and the Obstruction of Truth - IslamiCity) – were perturbed.

Such was the case owing to the fact that it was those leaderships that, historically, kept either inventing or sustaining myriads of truth’s antitheses. They were fully cognizant of what they were doing and where legitimacy and where its deviations lay. They knew they were lying to their followers, or were simply economical with the truth, concerning as much Islam as their own belief systems.

Hence, accepting that the reality of the matter shall be exposed sooner rather than later, the religious clergy together with the political masters resided on edge, striving to enforce compliance among the public. By hook or by crook, people had to toe the official line.

This certainly sounds very much politically incorrect, but to test out the genuineness of the given statements, one only needs to check the contents of - for instance - “Heresy of the Ishmaelites” by John of Damascus (d. 749), the first Latin translation of the Qur'an titled “Law of Muhammad the pseudo-prophet/false prophet” by Robert of Ketton (d. 1160), “Nomocanon” by Sveti Sava of Serbia (d. 1236), “Against the Laws of the Saracens” and “Letters on the Fall of Acre” by Riccoldo da Monte di Croce (d. 1320), “On War Against the Turk” by Martin Luther (d. 1546), etc.

Why must the enemies of Islam always lie about Islam and themselves? Why isn't the truth they supposedly advocate enough?

Whoever studies the mentioned books with an open mind will inevitably end up asking: why did all those and many other authors of the same ilk - allegedly experts on Islam, aiming to 'educate' their adherents - either blatantly lie or attempt to manipulate the veracity about Islam and Muslims? The reason is obvious: trying to deceive and misguide was the utmost agenda of those “experts” and the forces that stood behind them. Telling the truth and educating the common people was never on the table. Though immoral, lying was an act of religious and political expediency. It was both ensuring and profitable.

To this day, this campaign remains strong and vibrant, possibly more energetic and steadfast than before. Abundant international news agencies, newspapers, TV channels, radio stations, NGOs, political and educational institutions exist with the purpose of shaping public opinion by distorting facts and creating false narratives, with a particular focus on Islam and Muslims.

That said, it is high time for Muslims to begin distancing themselves from those agencies and institutions and seek more viable alternatives. At a time when Muslims are urging the avoidance of the corrupt sides of the institutionalized West, taking a stand against its biased media and popular culture would be a significant stride forward.

For instance, if the US and UK have clearly demonstrated and proven their involvement as sponsors of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, how can anything institutionalized from them be trusted or beneficial for the welfare of Muslims. Throughout recent history, there was no major catastrophe befalling Muslims that those two governments were not complicit in.

Their universal evil is such that one gets a feeling that they are equally focused on destroying others as they are on developing themselves. Surely, Napoleon’s statement that history is a bunch of lies a society agrees upon applies to the US and UK more than anybody else. The art of deception and crafting false narratives is their specialty.

Without question, for anyone affiliated with the fading Judeo-Christian religious legacies, it was better to be anything, literally, than a Mahomedan. In passing, in the process of vilification, Muslims were given all sorts of disparaging names and titles in order to reflect the established sentiments.

Instead of being “Muslims,” as Almighty Allah called them and as they called themselves - which directly means “those who submit themselves to the will and authority of Allah alone” and indirectly “those who are at peace with themselves and others, their surroundings, and finally with Allah” – Muslims were called “Saracens” (“robbers, thieves and barbarians”), “Ishmaelites” (“outcasts, rejectees and the Other”), “Agarenes” (“descendants of Abraham's slave woman, Agar or Hagar”) and “Mahomedans” (“worshippers of Mahomed the Antichrist”).

Islam as truth was the main target of the agents of falsehood

The emergence of Islam on the world scene was set to upset the prevalent dynamics. That is why the main players in the global political indoctrination and ideological evangelization currents decided to preempt the potential influences of Islam and the works of its devotees.

This resulted in the rapid rise of anti-Muslim polemics, Judeo-Christian apologetics and, finally, the science of Orientalism. If the first two were purely religious undertakings, the third initiative was both religious and secular, which aimed to undermine the threat of Islam not only in the purely religious spheres of Judaism and Christianity, but also in those that pertained to the emerging secular ideologies such as humanism, enlightenment and scientism.

Put differently, the endless potencies of Islam were obvious, just as were the endless weaknesses of the rest of religions and ideologies. Therefore, both had to be misrepresented and masked, and as such presented to the masses. The precise object was to develop a prejudiced and irrational aversion towards Islam, and an equally biased and unreasonable partisanship towards Islam’s opposites. Either way, the roads to reason and open-mindedness were shut, while emotions and vested interests, instead, were granted the supreme authority.

As a result, even today to an average and prejudiced Westerner, everything makes sense except Islam and its monotheistic spirituality, and everything, including the most eccentric philosophies, deserves attention except trying to understand what Islam as the world’s fastest growing and most dominant religion actually is and who Muslims are.

The role of the unholy trinity of Western nationalism, Zionism and Orientalism

Consequently, one of the ways to offset the failings of Judaism and Christianity was the creation of the creeds of materialism and nationalism – with all of their conceptual as well as operational offshoots – as the two greatest scourges generated by the modern Western so-called civilization. In this favorable setting, Zionism as a Jewish nationalist movement was also able to take root and make its presence known.

It was not long before the two: Zionism and Western nationalism – undoubtedly resulting from the failures of their respective religious traditions - joined forces to deliver a decisive blow to Islam, Muslims and Islamic civilization. If truth be told, that served as the primary rationale for the Western colonization of Muslim lands – and, by extension, minds – and for the illegitimate creation of the illegitimate state of Israel.

The whole enterprise was backed by the pseudo-science of Orientalism, whose goal was to construct a subtly and “scientifically” inaccurate picture of Islam and Muslims for the indoctrinated and primed-for-such-a-construction Western audiences.

The unholy trinity of nationalism, Zionism and Orientalism was readied to succeed where the religions of Judaism and Christianity ultimately failed. The new wars, encompassing not just the military fields, but as well the ideological, intellectual, socio-economic and cultural counterparts, were destined to pick up where the gory Crusades had left off and, everything being considered, likewise went awry.

This way, Muslims were to be taken away from their fortresses of faith, morals, unity and cooperation, to the slippery grounds of the Western inventions of secularism, nationalism, materialism and scientific skepticism-cum-relativism, and to the vast array of existential curses associated therewith.

Muslims’ strengths were then converted into weaknesses and opportunities into illusory aspirations as well as out-and-out misfortunes. They were hoodwinked into believing that their novel material and immaterial conditions were prolific prospects and that the Western protagonists were their sincere advisors. How incorrect their judgments proved to be?

The situation was analogous to that of Adam and Eve in Jannah, who were tricked by Satan. Satan promised them eternal happiness and an everlasting kingdom with eternal authority (Ta Ha, 120), but in reality, deceived them, leading to their expulsion from a state of joy and blessings to one of dejection and regret.

At any rate, needless to say, Muslims should continue to emulate Adam and Eve, acknowledging their mistakes, seeking sincere repentance, and transforming calamities into opportunities for redemption and growth.

Will Muslims ever learn that Islam is their only “crime”?

When will Muslims - in China, India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Russia, Palestine, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, France and the remaining hotspots in the East and West - learn that they will never be loved and appreciated for who they are? As the followers of true Islam, they will never be accepted into the club of the current and emerging world orders.

Only when they start forsaking their Islamic faith, values, history and identity will Muslims be able to make some overtures to the vultures of the global systems and the ranking styles of their hierarchical structures.

Those Muslims who think that they as individuals, institutions and countries have made it to a level where they can rub their shoulders with the global movers and shakers, should reassess their positions. It's important for them to reflect on the costs they may have incurred to achieve what they perceive as success.

By way of illustration, the affected Muslims and their governments should wonder why certain organizations and governments, which are completely ungodly, immoral, doctrinaire, imperialist and pro-Zionist, present them with awards and consider them as partners, friends and allies.

They certainly do so not because those Muslims are approved of or appreciated for being authentic Muslims, but because they have been “converted”, subjugated and brought under control. They are rather valued for advancing the agenda of Western neocolonial powers.

When Benjamin Netanyahu - the war criminal and butcher of the Western geopolitical “bastard” called Israel - recently addressed the UN, he referred to particular Muslim countries as blessings or friends, not out of genuine sentiment, but because those countries displayed promises for being pawns and marionettes in the Western pro-Zionist machinations against Islam and Muslims.

On the other hand, some other Muslim countries and organized groups he labeled as curses or antagonists simply because they are resolute in their efforts to disrupt the anti-Muslim and anti-humanity plots orchestrated by the West-Israel coalition using any means at their disposal.

These permutations have clearly been drawn attention to in the Qur’anic verses cited at the beginning. Muslims have been warned that neither Jews nor Christians will approve of them until they follow them and their ways (al-Baqarah, 120).

Muslims are also told that no matter how much they may love them – conform to them and dance to their tunes - they will never reciprocate adequately, as long as Muslims live by their Islamic worldview and Islamic behavioral standards (Alu ‘Imran, 119). The only circumstance in which the opponents of Islam will become more accommodating and consider Muslims as supposed allies is when Muslims are led astray from Islam and persuaded to invent or import other belief systems as substitutes (al-Isra’, 73).

There is no one who can dispute the unequivocal nature of those Qur’anic verses. So, why aren't they fully acknowledged and implemented? Why do some parts of the Qur'an get followed while others do not?

Didn’t Almighty Allah instruct us to embrace Islam entirely and wholeheartedly, rejecting the tactics of Satan and his armies from both the jinn and humankind (al-Baqarah, 208)? Why don’t we believe Allah, as part of our belief in Him?

Without Islam and Muslim unity, there is no future for Muslims – and the world

This by no means implies that Muslims should be antagonistic towards the West, or anyone else for that matter, and should espouse the notions of Islamic existential supremacism and civilizational exclusivity.

Not at all. On the contrary, Muslims, certainly more than anybody else, are bidden by the letter of their revealed guidance to promote the ideas of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and dialogue, so that people could learn about and from each other.

Humanity is but a single family with the single Creator and single ontological destiny, and the life on the single planet earth is a collective struggle where piety, virtue, justice and equality are valued above all.

Accordingly, open wickedness, corruption, injustice, oppression and exploitation are considered abnormalities in life and should be opposed by all parties using all necessary means and measures. People may have different beliefs stemming from their freedom of religious conviction and choice, for which they will be accountable to their Creator.

However, their God-given intelligence and innate human consciousness and nature have the capacity to establish a common platform for nurturing the well-being of all humanity.

Muslims are thus commanded to invite people to the right path of Islam wisely, with beautiful counsels, and to argue with whoever may differ with them in the most gracious way (al-Nahl, 125). They are likewise instructed “not to dispute with the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them (al-‘Ankabut, 46).

After conveying and explaining Islam in such a manner to the world, people will be left to make their own choices. There is no place for compulsion (al-Baqarah, 256). Islam is to be followed by whoever so wants, and rejected only by those who so want.

Muslims are to walk on the earth peacefully and generously, while at the same time showcasing a farsighted attitude and a responsible demeanor, understanding that the ultimate destination is the Hereafter and the Day of Reckoning for all. Taking this into account, Allah does not forbid Muslims from being righteous and acting justly towards those who do not fight them because of religion and do not expel them from their homes (al-Mumtahanah, 8).

Allah only forbids Muslims to be friends with those who mistreat, oppress and fight them, expel them from their homes and lands, and who aid others in fighting and expelling them (al-Mumtahanah, 9).

As followers of the only truth, Muslims cannot isolate themselves. Actively promoting the truth of Islam requires unity and cooperation. Involvements that will cover all strata of human civilization and go beyond its artificial barriers will also be essential. Muslims should see themselves as brothers in religion and view other people of goodwill as brothers in creation, belonging to the common ancestors Adam and Eve. It is vital to build alliances based on righteousness and trustworthy collaborations.

In that manner, Muslims are either to lead the way or be equal partners in global coalitions for authentic peace, justice and goodness. This is the message of the fourth Qur’anic verse mentioned earlier, to the effect that believers ought to support one another and be like a robust body consisting of strong parts. If they do not do so, evil forces will prevail. This in turn will lead to chaos, oppression and widespread corruption on earth, as immense power will fall into the wrong hands (al-Anfal, 73).

The Gaza tragedy as a test

If the current highly distressing state of the world, teetering on the edge of implosion, proves anything, it is that the behavior of most Muslims diverges from a great many aspects of the Qur’anic message. This discrepancy has led to their suppression and marginalization. In lieu of them, several ideological and socio-political axes of evil have gained control of the world, leading to various injustices and wrongdoing.

There is no better example that epitomizes the apocalypse than the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which is unfolding under the aegis of the world’s leading authorities, establishments, sages, scientific and technological advancements, religious mainstreams and their gurus, and educational institutions and their outstanding think-tanks. Gaza, unquestionably, is a test whereby all parties are bound to display their true colors.

Because of Gaza, furthermore, one can easily understand why the pulpits of churches, synagogues, temples, colleges and universities are silent about the ongoing human tragedy, which is becoming unparalleled in human history. Despite their reluctance, Gaza compelled them to reveal their true identities, purposes and allegiances.

O Muslims, wake up to rescue yourselves and the world! Living honorably and serving as a source of light to others is your raison d’etre, for which you will be held accountable on Judgment Day. The morals espoused in the Holy Qur’an are undeniably true! Praise be to Allah, the Qur’an’s Originator!

Related Suggestions

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