Film Screening About Gaza's War Crimes in Santa Ana

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, IslamiCity hosted a screening of The Evidence, a powerful documentary that exposes Israel's war crimes in Gaza since October 2023. The event was held at Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, California.

More than 100 attendees, including organization leaders, members of the press, and university representatives, participated in the screening and an engaging panel discussion. The panel focused on the theme "Sustaining Hope: Empowering Communities to Drive Change" and highlighted the documentary's crucial role in documenting the atrocities in Gaza, where over 42,000 people have lost their lives in the past year.

The panel featured speakers Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); Shakeel Syed, from American Muslims for Palestine; and Mohammed Abdul Aleem, CEO of Human Assistance and Development International (HADI) and IslamiCity, the distributors of the film.

Zia Eshanzada, Marketing Director at Anadolu Agency (AA), highlighted the film's aim to amplify its message at the grassroots level. He emphasized that The Evidence exposes not only the brutality of the war against a defenseless population but also its illegality under international law.

Following the screening, IslamiCity introduced the "Just One" campaign, encouraging attendees to bring a friend, neighbor, or colleague to future screenings as part of a national effort to promote The Evidence at universities and organizations. Several leaders and university groups committed to hosting the documentary in their own communities.

IslamiCity also unveiled plans for immersive experiential events, incorporating technologies such as augmented reality to give participants a deeper understanding of the harsh living conditions in Gaza, a region that is increasingly uninhabitable due to the ongoing blockade.

The Evidence, produced by Anadolu Agency, focuses on Israel’s illegal use of white phosphorus in Gaza. The documentary features a distinguished team of human rights experts, including former Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese, international criminal law specialist Toby Cadman, Former IDF Soldier, Yehuda Shaul, and others.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Chairman of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, closed the event with an appeal to the community to support the film's promotion and encouraged mosques and other organizations to host screenings in their communities.

To host a screening in your community see: Evidence Tour

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