What is Happening in the Middle-East?

Tariq Ramadan introduces a new series focused on political discourse, aiming to address global events, particularly in the Middle East. He emphasizes the need for critical thinking to understand events beyond propaganda and media narratives, urging intellectual resistance to imposed narratives.

October 7th and Its Impact

Ramadan draws a parallel between October 7, 2023, and September 11, 2001, framing October 7 as a turning point in Middle Eastern history. He critiques how media and political narratives focus on this specific date, often ignoring the decades of conflict that preceded it. He compares this to Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine," noting that people are emotionally manipulated into seeing the event as an isolated incident, instead of recognizing its deeper historical context.

The Power of the Imposed Narrative

The media and political response to October 7th imposed a narrative that left little room for nuanced discussion. Condemnation became the default reaction, forcing people to choose sides without addressing the complex roots of the conflict. Ramadan argues that this narrative silenced alternative viewpoints and intellectual dissent, creating an atmosphere of fear around speaking out against it.

The Legitimacy of Palestinian Resistance

Ramadan emphasizes that Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation is legitimate under international law. However, he makes a distinction between legitimate resistance and the illegitimacy of targeting civilians, equating such acts with terrorism. He criticizes both sides for actions that harm innocent people while maintaining the importance of recognizing the Palestinian right to resist occupation.

Questioning the Official Narrative

Ramadan raises doubts about the Israeli government’s response to the October 7 attacks. He suggests the possibility that the Israeli authorities may have known about the attacks in advance but allowed them to happen as part of a larger political strategy. He points to the suspiciously slow military response and testimonies from Israeli soldiers, proposing that the Israeli government might have manipulated the situation for political gain.

Netanyahu’s Political Motives

Ramadan believes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using the October 7 events to distract from his legal troubles and failures in security. Netanyahu’s swift and aggressive military response, Ramadan argues, was part of a broader plan, organized well before the attacks, aimed at neutralizing Hezbollah, Hamas, and other regional threats.

Supremacism and Messianism in Israeli Politics

Ramadan suggests that Israeli leadership is driven by a combination of Jewish supremacism and religious messianism. He argues that the Israeli government's actions are rooted in a belief that they are fulfilling a divine promise, viewing the loss of Palestinian lives as insignificant in the grand scheme of achieving this historical and religious vision.

Western Compliance with Religious Ideology

Ramadan highlights the paradox of secular, even atheist, Western societies aligning with Israel’s religiously motivated policies. He notes that Western governments, despite their professed secularism, are complicit in advancing Israel’s messianic vision of dominance in the region, submitting to a narrative rooted in religious dogma.

Conclusion: Intellectual Resistance

Ramadan concludes by urging intellectual resistance to the mainstream narratives imposed by politicians and media. He calls for a deeper understanding of the situation, emphasizing that the events in the Middle East are not driven by isolated incidents but by long-standing political, religious, and historical forces.

Dr. Tariq Ramadan is Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at the Oxford University (Oriental Institute, St Antony’s College) and also teaches at the Oxford Faculty of Theology. He is Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, (Qatar) and the University of Malaysia Perlis; Senior Research Fellow at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and Director of the Research Centre of Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) (Doha, Qatar) [ full bio ].

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