Donald Trump: The President of Lies

President Trump will go down in history as the U.S. President who told the most lies. He spews lies like a slot machine spits out nickels. Trump should be the last person to complain about "fake news" and stop calling the U.S. media the "enemy of the American people."

Politico reported that Trump lied on average every five minutes over 4.6 hours of speeches and press conferences.

The Huffington Post recorded that he told 71 lies during just one town hall event.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported in July 2020 that President Trump made over 20,000 "false or misleading claims." This amounts to an average of 23 false claims per day (a polite way to describe lies).

Here are my seven favorite lies from Trump, with my responses:

1. The “Man of the Year” Lie
President Trump claimed for years that he was honored as "Man of the Year." In reality, he only received a plaque as a gesture of thanks for speaking at a Michigan Republican dinner in 2013.

2. Targeting Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
Trump falsely claimed that Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar used the phrase "evil Jews." He later shared a Twitter video that misleadingly implied she had danced in celebration on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

3. The Inauguration Crowd Lie
Trump falsely claimed he had the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, both in person and globally. He doubled down the day after by stating, "God prevented rain," when in fact, it rained. All News reports that the Women’s March drew a larger crowd than Trump’s inauguration the day before. Trump boasted of 1.5 million attendees, yet it was closer to 250,000, whereas Obama’s inauguration drew around 1.8 million people eight years earlier.

4. Denial of Accusing George W. Bush
On Fox News, Trump denied ever accusing President George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction to gain support for the Iraq War. “I didn’t tell a lie. I said he may have lied.” Yahoo News reported on February 13, 2016, that Trump indeed said Bush “lied.”

5. False Claims about 9/11 Celebrations
During a speech in Alabama, Trump claimed thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating and dancing on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. This was widely discredited. He mentioned the "five dancing Shlomos," who were arrested by New Jersey Police at around 4 p.m. on September 11th. They were found with box cutters, $4,700 cash, and foreign passports, and were held in jail for 72 days before being deported to Israel.

6. The “Family Separation” Lie
Trump stated he pressured Democrats to end "the horrible law that separates children from their parents once they cross the border into the U.S." He later claimed in an interview on Telemundo, “When I became president, President Obama had a separation policy. I didn’t have it. He had it. I brought the families together.” Yet, it was under his watch that ICE agents separated migrant children from their parents and placed them in cages.

7. COVID-19 Denial
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump downplayed the virus as a "hoax" and insisted it was "under control," claiming he knew better than medical experts. He blamed testing for the rise in cases, adding, "Before I was president, we did not have testing." (Duh, there was no COVID-19 before 2016!)

Maybe the U.S. Constitution’s requirements to become president should be amended to include passing an IQ test and a lie detector test!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelancer for and He can be reached at [email protected].

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