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Peace or War: Perspective on U.S. Foreign Policy

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Category: Americas, Featured, Highlights, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs Topics: Conflicts And War, Evangelicalism, Foreign Policy, Greater Israel, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Military, Nato, Palestine, Ukraine War, United States Policy On Israel, War On Gaza Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:103338} {customField:ic-view-count}765

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Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson shares his critical perspectives on U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding the Iraq War, U.S.-Israel relations, and the rise of Christian nationalism within the military. He reflects on his experiences, offering alternative views on global conflicts, military strategy, and the influence of political ideologies on national security decisions.

Wilkerson’s Military Background and Disillusionment with U.S. Foreign Policy

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson’s extensive military career is discussed, focusing on his disillusionment with US foreign policy, particularly after the Iraq War. Wilkerson, who served as Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, critiques the Iraq invasion, attributing it to motivations like oil, Israel, and the desire to establish a logistical base for US and Israeli control in the Middle East. He reflects on presenting false information at the United Nations, calling it the lowest point of his career. Wilkerson also offers alternative analyses to mainstream narratives through the Eisenhower Media Network. He shares his views on President Trump's relationship with the Pentagon and intelligence community, noting concerns about Trump’s erratic nature and lack of strategic consistency.

Christian Nationalism in the Military

Wilkerson discusses the infiltration of Christian nationalism into the US military, particularly by high-ranking officers who embrace extremist views. He highlights efforts to make Christianity the national religion and even create a separate American Catholic Church. The potential erosion of constitutional freedoms and the rise of a nationalistic, authoritarian regime are major concerns. Wilkerson also expresses worry about individuals like General Flynn who could exploit Christian nationalist movements for political gain, potentially undermining religious freedom and democracy.

Trump’s Military Strategy and Ideological Influences

In this section, Wilkerson talks about the military's role in domestic missions and the ideological influences shaping the Trump administration’s foreign policy. He touches on Trump’s skepticism toward war and the possibility of distancing the US from NATO, attributing some of these shifts to the legacy of the Clinton administration. He also discusses the complexities of the Ukraine situation, noting Trump’s stance on avoiding war and potentially dismantling international relationships as part of his strategic vision.

Concerns About Ukraine, the Middle East, and Israel-Iran Tensions

Wilkerson expresses concern over the situation in Ukraine, highlighting difficulties in recruiting and retaining soldiers against Russia. He criticizes the lack of clear messaging from military leaders and hopes Trump would address the situation decisively. He also delves into the Middle East, specifically the tensions between Israel and Iran, warning of the risks of a military escalation under the Biden administration. The possibility of aligning too closely with Israeli interests and provoking a disastrous conflict with Iran is emphasized.

U.S. Entanglement in Middle East Conflicts

Wilkerson warns about the potential for the US to become involved in a major war in the Middle East, especially at the behest of Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. He discusses the Pentagon’s hesitance to engage in such conflicts, particularly with Iran, and the evolving US policy towards Israel and Palestine. He speculates that a potential Harris administration might have pursued a different approach compared to Trump’s unwavering support for Israel. The geopolitical shifts in the Middle East, with the US forming new bilateral agreements with Gulf nations, are also noted.

Risks of War with Iran

Wilkerson highlights the risks of a war with Iran, particularly the challenge of attacking Iran’s oil facilities and the difficulty Israel would face due to Russia’s advanced air defense systems. He stresses that a military campaign against Iran would not resemble previous conflicts, as China and Russia’s presence in Iran would complicate airstrikes. He suggests that a war with Iran would likely be unwinnable for Israel, as military options would be limited and ineffective.

Consequences of a U.S.-Iran Conflict

Wilkerson predicts that a US-Iran conflict could result in a full-fledged war, potentially costing trillions of dollars and lasting for years. He emphasizes the challenges of launching a ground invasion into Iran, given the military’s recruitment shortfalls and the region’s complex political dynamics. The possibility of Israeli casualties and internal Iranian debates on security could trigger a much larger conflict.

High Rates of Wounded in Action and Israel's Strategic Challenges

Wilkerson discusses the high rates of wounded in action (WIA) in modern military operations, particularly the challenges faced by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He predicts that Israel may soon have to retreat due to intense resistance. He suggests that Israel’s push for war with Iran is driven by a desire to maintain regional hegemony. Wilkerson portrays Israel as a strategic liability to the US, particularly regarding munitions supply and ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, and warns of the consequences of escalating violence in the region.

Diverging Views on Israel’s Strategic Role

Wilkerson highlights differing views within the US about Israel's role in the Middle East. Some politicians, like Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley, view Israel as doing America’s work, while others see it as a crucial ally regardless of Netanyahu's actions. Military leaders, however, perceive Israel as a strategic liability. Wilkerson brings up the USS Liberty incident, speculating on Israel’s intentions and discussing the military’s understanding of the event and Israel’s potential willingness to use nuclear weapons if threatened.

Impact of an Attack on Israel and Geopolitical Betrayals

Wilkerson discusses the devastating consequences of a potential all-out attack on Israel by Iran, focusing on the likely casualties and the mass exodus of Jewish Israelis. He also touches on Putin’s efforts to attract Russian immigrants with expertise, and the controversial pardoning of figures like Mark Rich, who played a role in Israel’s economic success. This section sheds light on the complex geopolitical dynamics and betrayals in the region.

Israel’s Control Over Mediterranean Gas Fields and Economic Concerns

Wilkerson discusses Israel's control over strategic gas fields in the Mediterranean and their importance to Israeli energy needs. The conversation shifts to the challenges facing Trump’s presidency, particularly from institutions like the CIA and Pentagon. Wilkerson expresses concern about the national debt and warns of a potential financial crisis during Trump’s term. He calls for serious retrenchment to address looming economic challenges.

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired US Army officer and former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell. A critic of the Iraq War, he regrets his role in presenting false information at the UN. Wilkerson offers alternative views on US foreign policy, focusing on US-Israel relations and the influence of Christian nationalism in the military.

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