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Satan's Algorithm

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Satan's Algorithm: A Reflection on the Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy delivered at the Jesus Son of Mary Mosque in Pennsylvania.

The Danger of Isolation: A Lesson from the Prophet's Hadith

Shaykh Elshinawy began by reflecting on a profound hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), which emphasizes the importance of communal prayer. The hadith warns that when three people do not gather to establish prayer together, Shaytan (Satan) gains the opportunity to entrap them. The Prophet likened this to a wolf preying on a lone sheep that strays from the flock.

This metaphor illustrates the vulnerability of believers who isolate themselves from the community and its spiritual safeguards. Just as a sheep is an easy target for a wolf, a person detached from the collective worship and remembrance of Allah becomes a prime target for Shaytan’s whispers and schemes.

The Wolf of Man: Shaytan's Calculated Strategies

The Shaykh expounded on the early Muslim scholars' comparison of Shaytan to a wolf and humanity to sheep. Shaytan is deliberate, patient, and relentless in his efforts. He observes and studies individuals, identifying their weaknesses to exploit them. Shaykh Elshinawy explained that Shaytan's strategy is personalized:

  • The Lax Person: Shaytan encourages laziness and neglect.
  • The Overzealous Person: He pushes them to excess, often leading to innovation or imbalance.

The ultimate goal is to divert individuals from the straight path, regardless of the direction they are pushed.

The Algorithmic Analogy: How Technology Mirrors Shaytan’s Tactics

Drawing a modern parallel, Shaykh Elshinawy compared Shaytan’s relentless tactics to the algorithms of technology companies. These algorithms study human behavior—tracking clicks, scrolls, and pauses—to exploit vulnerabilities and maximize engagement. While technology itself can be beneficial, its misuse often becomes a tool for distraction, addiction, and moral decline.

He noted:

  • Customization of Temptation: Just as Shaytan personalizes his whispers, algorithms tailor content to keep users scrolling endlessly.
  • Mindlessness and Haste: These habits, central to Shaytan's arsenal, are amplified by constant connectivity and notifications.

The Spiritual Cost of Mindless Technology Use

The Shaykh challenged listeners to evaluate their relationship with their devices:

  1. How Much is Too Much?
    Excessive screen time is a waste of life, which is a precious, finite resource.
  2. Prioritizing Relationships:
    Important family time and personal worship are often sacrificed to endless scrolling.
  3. Impact on Salah (Prayer):
    Shaytan uses distractions from technology to disrupt focus in prayer, making even simple acts like counting rak’ahs difficult.

The Qur’anic Insight on Shaytan’s Persistence

Shaytan declared to Allah that he would ambush humanity on the straight path, leading them astray from every direction. Yet Allah reassures believers that His forgiveness is always accessible for those who seek it. Shaykh Elshinawy emphasized that Shaytan seeks to convince believers of hopelessness, a notion entirely refuted by the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Practical Advice: Guarding Against Shaytan and His Tools

  1. Stay Close to the Community:
    The masjid, communal prayer, and Islamic gatherings act as fortresses against Shaytan.
  2. Control Technology Use:
    • Limit screen time consciously.
    • Avoid using devices during important family or worship times.
    • Keep devices out of the masjid or turn off notifications to ensure focus.
  3. Reclaim Prayer:
    • Avoid distractions before Salah.
    • Enter prayer with mindfulness, remembering it as a direct connection with Allah.

The Ultimate Hope: Allah's Promise of Forgiveness

The khutbah concluded with a reminder of Allah’s infinite mercy. While Shaytan vows to mislead humanity until the end, Allah promises forgiveness for anyone who sincerely seeks it. Believers are urged to strive toward reform, resist Shaytan’s whispers, and strengthen their connection to Allah.

Dua: Shaykh Elshinawy prayed for Allah to grant wisdom, protect the hearts of believers, and enable them to resist the traps of Shaytan. May Allah guide the community to live with mindfulness and purpose, ensuring a life aligned with His commands.

Reflection: This khutbah calls upon believers to understand their vulnerabilities and actively combat the distractions and temptations of modern life with faith, community, and conscious living.

Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy is the Religious Director at Jesus Son of Mary Mosque in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is a Graduate from and Instructor at Mishkah University. He is also the Associate Director of Systematic Theology at Yaqeen Institute. In addition, he is an Instructor at Legacy International Online High School.

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