Remember You?
They tell me to remember You.
But when do I forget You to remember You?
Remind me when was the last time
You were not in my every thought.
Even when I err, as I err,
With every slip of the tongue,
Your name is on the tip of my tongue.
When am I not with You to forget You?
Everywhere I look, I see you.
You adorned the earth with beauty
to remind us of You.
Every breath, every gasp for
air, is to call You.
I may forget myself but how can I forget You?
Your Words, like gentle rain, soothe a scorched heart,
Make their way to undiscovered springs,
Gushing with life in splashing colors.
Remember You?
Long before my parents named me,
my heart has known only You!
Topics: Dhikr (Rememberance Of Allah), Islam, Poetry
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