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The World Turns Against Israel

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CJ Werleman opens this episode by discussing how global sentiment, including in the United States, has turned against Israel. As a journalist and activist covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 2010, his mission has been to expose Israel's influence over Western politics and media and reveal how its occupation of Palestinian territories fuels violence and instability in the Middle East. For years, Zionist propaganda made this effort feel like shouting into a void, but a significant shift in global awareness is now underway.

A Monumental Shift in Global Opinion

The sands have shifted. Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans, Europeans, Australians, and Canadians see Israel for what it truly is—a criminal enterprise displacing Palestinians.

Put simply: everybody now hates Israel.

This sentiment stems from witnessing 400 consecutive days of genocide:

  • Bombings: Schools, homes, and hospitals destroyed.
  • Grief: Endless funerals and burials.
  • Atrocities: Displacement, sniping of children, and mass violence.

These acts have left indelible scars on global consciousness, making forgiveness impossible for many.

United Nations and Diplomatic Isolation

Last week, Israel suffered another blow at the United Nations when Australia voted for the first time to recognize Palestinian sovereignty. This decision reflects the will of Australian voters who now overwhelmingly support Palestinian liberation.

Europe Leading the Way

Countries like Spain, Ireland, and Norway have joined the movement, with France calling for an arms embargo. In the UK, voter pressure led to a complete suspension of arms sales to Israel.

The United States: A Shifting Landscape

The U.S. remains Israel’s last major ally, but change is on the horizon. American voters, especially within the Democratic Party, increasingly support Palestine. This shift has reshaped U.S. politics:

  • Kamala Harris’s unwavering support for Israel cost her the 2024 election.
  • Pro-Palestinian sentiment has grown since Bernie Sanders spoke for the movement in 2016.

Future Democratic leaders will be forced to adopt pro-Palestinian positions, signaling a grim future for Israel without U.S. support.

The Role of Social Media and Grassroots Action

Every post, share, or like amplifies pro-Palestinian voices, helping counter Zionist propaganda. Social media has been instrumental in building global solidarity for Palestine and Lebanon.

Marches, protests, and grassroots actions have pressured governments to take bold stances against Israel, bringing us closer to justice and liberation.

Conclusion: A Grim Future for Israel

Even Israeli leaders predict societal and economic collapse, warning of looming civil war. Historians will one day credit you, me, and every person who stood against the Zionist occupation for shaping Israel’s final chapter.

Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to this channel and support our work on Patreon to help us continue exposing injustices in the Muslim world. Together, we can make a difference.

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