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“Bewildering” Developments in Syria: A Deep-seated Conspiracy Between Israel, Turkey & US

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Developments in Syria are "extraordinarily bewildering, totally unexpected and very astonishing"; I'm "very confident" this is "a deep-seated conspiracy between Israel, Turkey and US": Talmiz Ahmad, former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

In an interview conducted just hours after it was confirmed that former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been given sanctuary in Moscow, one of India’s great experts on the Middle East has said that developments in Syria are “extraordinarily bewildering, totally unexpected … and very astonishing.

No doubt about that.” In a 27-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Talmiz Ahmad, India’s former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (twice), Oman and the United Arab Emirates, said he’s “very confident” that developments in Syria are a result of “a deep-seated conspiracy between Israel, Turkey and the United States”.

Mr. Ahmad said there’s “no other explanation”. I will deliberately stop there because I want you to see the interview to hear and understand why Mr. Ahmad believes this is a deep-seated conspiracy between Israel, Turkey and the United States. Mr. Ahmad also speaks at length about Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the Head of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the rebel group that has captured Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus, forcing Assad to flee his country.

Again, I will leave you to see the interview to find out what he says. Mr. Ahmad also assesses the impact of developments in Syria on Iran and Russia as well as Turkey. He says “this is a very serious setback for Iran”. He doesn’t seem to give the impression it’s a similarly serious setback for Russia.

Mr. Ahmad also assesses what this means for Israel and the wider Middle East region. Finally, do developments in Syria have any implications for India? Assad always supported India’s position on Kashmir. Will al-Jolani do that? Again, I will leave you to see the interview to hear Mr. Ahmad’s answer.

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