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A Mystical Affair

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This poem reflects a profound spiritual journey inspired by Sufi thought, emphasizing the search for divine truth, inner transformation, and the guidance of a spiritual master.

It explores themes of perseverance, humility, and the eternal quest for enlightenment while unveiling the mystic connection between the self and the divine.

Unveil a novel meaning of light,
With a fresh lens granting new sight.

Commence upon discovering a path,
Where "2 + 2 = 4" isn't the math.

Life’s clock ticks without a soul,
It is time for the puzzle to become whole.

Say farewell to ephemeral dreams,
After death, life flows like a stream.

Constantly, you have sought out peace,
Isn’t it time for ego’s release?

You yearned to reach distant stars,
But fate dealt you only scars.

Someone waits for your embrace,
Let it unfold within Divine Grace.

In this realm, where right is might,
Stand firm both on ground and height.

Without care for outcomes, seek and seek,
Wait, wait, and wait for Him to speak.

The Prophet’s footsteps, you cannot avoid,
Or your journey remains void.

A spiritual master you must find,
To bind your heart and mind.

Let his signals tell you to go,
And guide your halt and flow.

When veils lift from your heart,
You find you are still at the start.

When you transcend false and true,
You're blessed with a panoramic view.

Beware of that serpent inside,
Find its antidote, a living guide.

On every step, there is a fall;
Instead of leaping, it is safer to crawl.

Embrace the pain you go through,
Or you'll wander, lost and blue.

The mind resists the leap of faith,
The body holds back the soul’s bath.

With your inner eye, you'll see,
And find yourself finally free.

Without a teacher, it is a solo flight,
No dividing the day and night.

If this wisdom remains unknown,
You won’t have a self that has grown.

Above desires, you must rise,
Witness the sky above the skies.

Sufi Thought is so subtle and deep,
Many mysteries and secrets to keep.

With silence and patience, you are bound,
Much to say without a sound.

In this journey, never rest,
Once begun, it’s an endless quest.

In God’s colors, you will blend,
Many broken ties to mend.

Never is the destination near,
No milestone ever seems clear.

For today’s race, have no fire,
Let prophets and saints inspire.

Every experience becomes a sign,
A manifestation of a plan divine.

Unfathomable are God’s ways,
Sometimes nights, sometimes days.

Stay optimistic, remain calm,
One day, you will hear David’s Psalm!

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