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Ho, Ho, Hope for Gaza’s Forgotten Children

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Dear Santa,

I hope this letter finds you well. Although we come from different cultures and traditions, I have always admired the spirit of giving and kindness that you represent.

As a Palestinian Muslim living in the good old USA, I do not celebrate Christmas. However, I am writing to you on behalf of the approximately 3,000 Christian Palestinians living in Gaza.

IDF soldiers are preventing Santa from delivering gifts to Palestinian Christian children. Credit: telegraph.co.uk

Over 51% of Gaza's population is under the age of 15. Among them are approximately 3,000 Christians. Statistically speaking, there should be about 1,500 Christian children who will have an "unmerry" Christmas this year due to a lack of basic necessities like food, water, fuel, and medicine.

The children in Gaza face unimaginable pain and suffering. Many lack essential resources, live in constant fear, and are unsure if they will see another day. Over 50,000 children have lost one or both limbs, making Gaza home to the highest number of amputees in the world. Many have also lost their parents, leaving them to navigate this harsh reality alone.

I wish for peace and understanding among all people, regardless of their background or beliefs. I hope for a world where children can grow up without fear and where families can live together in harmony. I dream of a future where the children of Gaza can access education and live normal lives so that we can build a brighter future for the next generation.

That said, I have just one request. Could you please swing by Palestine, particularly a place called Gaza, this year? It’s not far from Bethlehem—the birthplace of Jesus, who, by the way, was a Palestinian and the reason for the season.

There are 2.2 million people starving in Gaza. They have endured bombardment from air, sea, and ground for over 15 months and have been subjected to an illegal and inhumane siege for more than 17 years. Why, you may ask? These people only want to be free and independent, just like us here in America.

Animals in Gaza are in worse shape than humans. There is no grass or animal feed left.

Parents and children are dying daily because they cannot get food, water, or medical attention due to the blockade and constant bombardment. The U.N. can no longer deliver food because of Israeli border closures and has warned of an impending humanitarian disaster. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers attack aid trucks with the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), sometimes destroying the badly needed supplies. This is truly cruel and unusual punishment.

Santa is not taking no for an answer and is butting heads with an IOF soldier. Photo credit: aljazeera.com

The children of Gaza do not need toys or video games like children in other parts of the world. Instead, I suggest the following:

  • Baby formula
  • Bottled water
  • Candles
  • Vitamin supplements (many suffer from severe malnutrition)
  • Clothing and toiletries
  • Batteries (all sizes)
  • Hearing aids for children
  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Animal feed (I heard Walmart has a great bargain: buy one, get one free!)
  • Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), like those used by the military

Desserts aren’t necessary since there’s one included in the MRE package. However, if you can find some gingerbread cookies on sale, I recommend taking several boxes. The children will enjoy them and talk about them for years to come.

Thanking you in advance, and wishing you a safe trip. May Allah (God in Arabic) be with you, and as you would say: Ho, ho, ho!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph
Ret. USAF veteran

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelancer for Islamicity.com and ColumbusFreePress.com. He can be reached at elyousseph6@yahoo.com.

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