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Abu Obaida delivers first speech since ceasefire

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To our people, our family: we are one. Your wounds are our wounds, your pain is our pain, and your hopes are our hopes.

Together, with the help of Allah, we will rebuild what the occupation has destroyed. Just as we stood united against genocide, we will stand together in the aftermath of aggression.

The agreement to halt the Zionist aggression and genocide against our people has been a goal we pursued for many months. In truth, such an agreement could have been reached over a year ago if it had suited the ambitions of Netanyahu and his extremist government, which chose instead to persist with destruction, displacement, and the devastation of our land and people.

Throughout this war, we have sought to end it swiftly to save the lives of our people and halt the genocide. Alongside our brothers in the Palestinian resistance factions, we affirm our commitment to the ceasefire agreement, pledging to implement its terms, adhere to the timeline for prisoner exchanges, and secure the release of our heroic detainees in all phases of the agreed-upon deal.

However, we stress that this commitment depends on the enemy’s adherence to the agreement. Any violations by the occupation could jeopardize the process and directly endanger the safety of detainees involved in the exchange.

We call on all mediators to hold the occupying force accountable for its commitments. We extend our gratitude to the Arab and Islamic nations who stood by us, protesting and offering unwavering material and moral support. We also salute the free people of the world, who continue to demonstrate by the millions, rejecting this brutal genocide and declaring their solidarity with the just Palestinian cause.

To our steadfast people in Gaza, this is a time for solidarity, compassion, and mutual support. Just as we have shown unparalleled courage on the battlefield, we will now display resilience in rebuilding and reclaiming our rights.

Every drop of blood shed on this sacred land is worth more than the earth’s weight in gold, for it has been the price of freedom for our land, our people, and our holy sites. United by our faith, determination, and unity, we will triumph, God willing.

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